Staying safe online 2: Watching videos
Posted on 07 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree
This is the second in a series of five website posts about staying safe online. The content comes from Thinkuknow.
From animals doing funny things, to slime-making and game-tutorials, the internet has lots of fun videos for children to enjoy. But the amount and availability of content online means that children may see something inappropriate.
To understand what type of content might not be suitable and advice on how to help your child watch safely, watch this short video guide.
The internet is a public and open space where anyone can post and share content. This can be fun and entertaining for children, but it does mean your child may see something that is intended for adults.
Find out what to do if you’re worried your child might see something inappropriate online or what to do if they already have.
Children love to watch videos and YouTube is always a firm favourite! But sometimes children can be exposed to videos that are not meant for them. YouTube Kids is a safer way for children to explore their interests. You can find more information about this on YouTube: what parents need to know .
Remember, primary-age children should be supervised at all times when online.
Staying safe online 1: Steps you can take to help keep your child safer online
Posted on 06 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree
This is the first of five website news posts to help you to make sure your child is safe online. The content from all five posts comes from a Thinkuknow newsletter.
Parental controls: Parental controls have been designed to help you manage your child’s online activities. There are various types, some of which are free but others which can be bought. However, nothing is totally fool proof so they shouldn’t replace the need for you to support and advise your child using the internet. For more information and step by step instructions on setting up parental controls, visit Parental Controls & Privacy Settings Guides – Internet Matters.
Supervise their online activity: Keep the devices your child uses in communal areas of the house such as the living room or kitchen, where an adult is able to supervise. Primary-age children should not access the internet in private spaces alone, such as in a bedroom or bathroom.
Explore together and chat little and often: Ask your child to show you their favourite apps, games and sites and encourage them to teach you how to use these. Ask them if anything ever worries them online. Make sure they know they won’t be in trouble and can get help by talking to you or another adult they trust if anything happens online that makes them feel worried, sad or scared.
Make sure they know where to go for support: Remind your child they can always speak to you or an adult they trust if anything happens online that makes them feel worried or upset. For a breakdown of report services, visit Supporting your child with reporting unwanted content online.
Take a look at Thinkuknow: Thinkuknow is the national online safety education programme from the National Crime Agency. Thinkuknow offers learning activities, advice and support for children and young people aged 4-18 and their families. The Jessie & Friends animations for 4 to 7s will help you start a conversation about online safety and for 8-10’s, there’s the Play Like Share animations and the Band Runner game and advice website.
Help your child identify trusted adults who can help them if they are worried: This includes you and other adults at home, as well as adults from wider family, school or other support services who they are able to contact at this time. Encourage them to draw a picture or write a list of their trusted adults.
Talk about how their online actions affect others: If your child is engaging with others online, remind them to consider how someone else might feel before they post or share something. If they are considering sharing a photo/video of somebody else, they should always ask permission first.
Use ‘SafeSearch’: Most web search engines will have a ‘SafeSearch’ function, which will allow you to limit the content your child can access whilst online. Look out for the ‘Settings’ button on your web browser homepage, which is often shaped like a small cog.
Visit Thinkuknow for more information on keeping your child safer online.
Junior Leadership Team
Posted on 01 April 2021 by Miss Beatson
This week, our Living and Learning has been about democracy- this included voting for our new Junior Leadership Team (previously named School Council). Well done to all the children who delivered speeches to their classes. Congratulations to all the children who were elected:
Year 1: Lily and Willow
Year 2: Ralph and Kamile
Year 3: Caleb and Jack
Year 4: Ellie and Sianna
Year 5: Evie and Scarlet
Year 6: Cohen and Bella
Did we trick you...?
Posted on 01 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree
In our weekly message earlier today, we announced the following sad news…
Farewell to Miss Beatson
We’re very sad to announce that Miss Beatson will be leaving us at the end of the school year. Miss Natalie April Beatson has been Head of School for some years now and has been a wonderful figurehead for our happy and healthy school. Whilst not suffering fools gladly, Miss Beatson has earned a reputation for being a firm but fair school leader. Now, exhausted by Covid risk assessments, the day has come for Miss Beatson to go on to pastures new.
Please be assured Miss Beatson hasn’t any intention to leave us. Happy April Fools Day!
This week’s message (Thursday 01 April 2021)
Posted on 01 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree
We’ve made it through to the end of the Spring term! This week’s message is a day early because tomorrow’s the start of the Easter break. The first of today’s messages is a re-cap from Monday…
Testing positive…? (repeat from Monday)
As was the case at Christmas and in February, schools are being asked to support the government’s Test and Trace system.
If your child has been attending school this week, we need you to tell us if they get a positive Covid test result in the period Friday 02 April to Wednesday 07 April 2021. So you can give us all the information we need, please use this form or scan this QR code (hover over it with the camera on – a link should appear):
This means we’ll have the information to take the necessary actions, laid down by the Department for Education.
We’d prefer you to use the online form, but if the technology fails you, please contact school:
If your child receives a positive test result after Wednesday 07 April, you can tell us on the first day of the new term (Monday 19 April).
PCR vs LFD tests
It’s confusing, we know!
A PCR test (a polymerase chain reaction test) is one where the swap is sent off to a lab. An LFD test (lateral flow device test) is one that you can do at home.
Leeds Schools Health, Safety & Wellbeing Team have asked us to make sure you’re aware of the difference.
Apparently, some parents are taking pupils who have Covid symptoms to get a test and then having an LFD test and not a PCR test. Symptomatic people must have a PCR test – an LFD test is not sufficient.
Some test sites are open for different purposes at different times of the day, such as PCR testing in the morning and LFD test collection in the afternoon. It might be that parents aren’t aware of this and have arrived at the wrong time. Please be clear if you’re booking tests or arriving at a test centre that you need a symptomatic PCR test or if you’re collecting LFD tests.
Pupil premium
Throughout the pandemic, Leeds has seen a rise in the number of children and young people who are entitled to a free school meal.
If a child is entitled to free school meals, schools get over £1,000 every year to support your child’s learning. This is true, even if your child is in Reception or Years 1 or 2 and so they get a free meal, and even if they choose to have a packed lunch.
Find out more about free school meals, and pupil premium to support your child’s learning.
Farewell to Miss Beatson
We’re very sad to announce that Miss Beatson will be leaving us at the end of the school year. Miss Natalie April Beatson has been Head of School for some years now and has been a wonderful figurehead for our happy and healthy school. Whilst not suffering fools gladly, Miss Beatson has earned a reputation for being a firm but fair school leader. Now, exhausted by Covid risk assessments, the day has come for Miss Beatson to go on to pastures new.
Have a happy and healthy Easter break – and be careful not to fall victim to any April Fools Day jokes…!
Please be clear on what lockdown restrictions are still in place
Posted on 30 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
We’re all working hard to keep our school as safe as we possibly can. Lockdown may be easing, but we have to be careful and sensible about what we do. Nobody wants to return to a full lockdown.
The following comes from the government’s email to schools…
From yesterday, the rules on social contact, business and activities, and travel are changing as part of the coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap.
Outdoor gatherings (including in private gardens) of either 6 people (the rule of 6) or 2 households are allowed, making it easier for friends and families to meet outside.
Children are able to access any outdoor childcare and supervised activities. Parent and child groups, for the benefit of children aged under five years, can also take place outdoors with a limit of 15 attendees (children under five years of age and group facilitators do not count towards the attendee limit). Parent and child groups must be organised by a business, a charitable organisation or a public body.
The ‘stay at home’ rule will end, but many restrictions remain in place. These include mixing with other households indoors. Remember that a support bubble should be one person living alone, and ideally local to you.
Please see the guidance on the COVID-19 response – Spring 2021 (Roadmap) for further information.
Testing positive...?
Posted on 29 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
A couple of important messages…
If you’re taking a child for a Covid test, please don’t send any siblings to school.
In fact, if anyone in your household is going for a test, this will be because that person has symptoms. The rest of the household needs to be cautious. They might have caught Covid, but just not displaying symptoms – they could still infect others, so keep them at home.
And for the first few days of the holiday…
As was the case at Christmas and in February, schools are being asked to support the government’s Test and Trace system.
If your child has been attending school this week, we need you to tell us if they get a positive Covid test result in the period Friday 02 April to Wednesday 07 April 2021. So you can give us all the information we need, please use this form or scan this QR code (hover over it with the camera on – a link should appear):
This means we’ll have the information to take the necessary actions, laid down by the Department for Education.
We’d prefer you to use the online form, but if the technology fails you, please contact school:
If your child receives a positive test result after Wednesday 07 April, you can tell us on the first day of the new term (Monday 19 April).
Letter to children and young people from the Secretary of State for Education
Posted on 29 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
The Secretary of State for Education has written to children and young people to recognise the impact of the disruption they have faced over the past year and to thank them for their resilience – read the letter here.
This week’s message (Friday 26 March 2021)
Posted on 26 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree
Let’s start the message with a few non-Covid things…
Thank you
We’ve so far raised £64 for Comic Relief. This is without any donations from Y5 and Y6 children who weren’t at school – some of our older pupils are keen to contribute when they return to school next week. Thanks to everyone for their contributions to our Red Nose Day.
Junior leaders
Rearranged from earlier in the term, next week, we have elections for our Junior Leadership Team (our new name for the School Council, to bring this group inline with the Senior Leadership Team in school). Democracy is a key feature of life in countries such as ours. We want to promote democracy as a way for people to have a say in what goes on. Our Junior Leadership Team is one of the ways that children are encouraged to take an active part in school life.
The election process allows children to develop an understanding of one of the British Values, democracy, with two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers.
Today’s whole school homework is all about the election and democracy, ready for the elections next Thursday.
We’d like to thank the current school councillors for all their contributions over the last year (remember you can stand again). Good luck to the children who choose to stand in the election.
Our school meals provider, Catering Leeds, are looking for staff to join their teams, working in schools within this area. They pay the Leeds Living Wage (a minimum of £9.30 per hour) and have available part-time roles which are term-time only. If you’re interested, visit website and complete an application form.
And now, one (just one!) Covid-related thing…
Self-testing at home
Lots of families now have access to home self-testing kits – these are called lateral flow tests. These tests are useful because they help find asymptomatic cases of Covid 19. That means they can sometimes identify that someone has Covid-19, even if they don’t have symptoms.
The tests shouldn’t be used to confirm a positive or negative infection.
If your child has any Covid-19 symptoms, they should isolate at home. The rest of your household, including brothers and sisters, should also isolate. Don’t send any to school. Book a PCR (lab) test.
Negative results from a lateral flow test do not rule out Covid-19 infection. This is especially in the early stages of an infection when the viral load is lower.
Even with a negative result, if your child has symptoms, don’t send them (or siblings) to school.
Also, if doing a lateral flow test, do it carefully. The tests are good at identifying if someone has a high viral load of Covid-19. They never confirm that someone doesn’t have the virus.
And finally for this week…
Here’s the latest Families Leeds & West Yorkshire magazine…
Have a really good weekend, hopefully enjoying some sunshine along the way.
Children and young people - have your say!
Posted on 19 March 2021 by Mrs Quirk
Children and Young People Outer North East Youth Activity Fund Survey
On behalf of the local councillors from the Outer North East Community Committee please see link below which will take you to the online Youth Activity survey.
The survey will enable all children and young people living in the Outer North East area to influence how Youth Activity Funding is allocated in your area, we hope to engage with as many children and young people as possible.
Please complete the survey in order to have your views heard.
The survey will be available until 30 April 2021. After that date, the information will be collated to recognise the top 5 priorities which will then be shared with your local councillors, this will influence how they allocate their Youth Activity Funding budget for 2021/22.