Our daily message (02 July 2020)
Posted on 02 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Today’s message comes from Sal Tariq, the Director of Children and Families for Leeds City Council…
Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and co-operation during what has been an extremely difficult time for our schools and your children.
I hope you join me in thanking teachers and head teachers, for their efforts in keeping schools open since lockdown for the children of key workers and vulnerable children. In many cases, this has included provision throughout the holidays. Most recently, head teachers have undertaken a significant amount of work in re-configuring their schools to make them safe to open more widely to more pupils in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 6. I am very grateful for their efforts to make this happen.
Each school in Leeds is different and each school has unique circumstances. This is why we have been very clear that all schools will be operating slightly differently from each other during the current period. The numbers of pupils schools have been able to welcome back varies from school to school and school leaders have had to consider a wide number of variables.
Some schools, for example, have smaller classrooms, whereas some have greater numbers of ‘shielding’ staff. Both of these considerations result in the school being able to accommodate fewer pupils. In a number of schools, the numbers of vulnerable children or children of key workers have risen considerably which has resulted in a lack of capacity to welcome more children back.
Many schools have now reached the position where they cannot take any more children back safely and within guidelines. As a result, some head teachers are in the difficult position of not being able to offer a child a place. I know there has been some talk of using community facilities such as church halls, leisure centres, social clubs and scout huts to provide additional space but current government guidance is clear that schools should not use these facilities at the moment.
Accommodating children in non-educational settings is not as easy to do as it may first appear. It would highlight significant safeguarding, health and safety, resourcing and staffing implications and the priority for school leaders is the safety and well-being of your children. Schools must await further guidance from the government before considering this as an option.
Many of you are aware that the Government announced plans earlier this week to relax the 2m social distancing rule and may wonder if this means that schools can take more children. The government have said that from 4th July where it is not possible to stay two metres apart, guidance will allow people to keep a social distance of ‘one metre plus’. In Leeds, our current guidance to schools regarding social distancing of 2 metres has not changed; a 1 metre plus policy would require additional measures such as face coverings to be used routinely and would expose staff and children to greater risk of infection.
I know that the current situation is frustrating to parents and carers who are keen for their child to return to school. Despite their best efforts, school leaders will inevitably not be able to accommodate all requests from parents. I am writing to ask you to be respectful of the decision made by the head teacher of your child’s school, in the knowledge that it has been made with the safety of all children and staff at its heart.
Head teachers are now busy planning for September when it is hoped that all pupils will be able to return to school full time. School leaders are eagerly awaiting government guidance as to the expectations for September and I know they will communicate their plans with you as soon as they are in a position to do so.
I anticipate that restrictions, for example staggered start and finish times, class bubbles and increased cleaning and hygiene routines, will remain in place from September to ensure the safety of staff and pupils
I thank you for your continuing patience during these difficult times. I hope you and your families stay safe and well.
Yours sincerely
Sal Tariq OBE
Director, Children and Families
If you like, you can download the letter, too.
Our daily message (01 July 2020)
Posted on 01 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Today’s message features a link to another edition of Families magazine – it’s another ‘surviving lockdown’ edition.
The magazine has lots of resources and ideas to help with returning your child to school, home learning, pre-school play and a variety of ideas for family activities and entertainment.
Our daily message (30 June 2020)
Posted on 30 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Today’s message relates to recent government announcements…
Socially distanced in school
Since the government announced that from Saturday 04 July, the two metre rule would be relaxed a little, some parents have asked if this means we can accept more children back at school. Sadly, the answer is no.
There may be spaces for a small number of individual children in a bubble, but generally speaking, there are no more spaces. Recent messages refer to a ‘one metre plus’ rule, but the guidance talks of ‘mitigation’, which includes:
- maintain 2m where viable (we’ve organised classrooms to do this)
- maintaining hand hygiene and cough etiquette (and we can’t ensure children maintain ‘cough etiquette’ – coughing into a disposable tissue or at least into their sleeve, not hand)
- staff minimising duration of contact at less than 2m with people outside their household (in a small classroom, and with young children, this is really hard)
- wearing face coverings when distances of 2m cannot be kept in indoor environments where possible (school staff are advised not to wear masks or other coverings because they hinder effective teaching)
Because these precautions can’t really happen in school, our current circumstances are the right ones, and Leeds City Council advice (26 June 2020) backs this up: ‘Schools should continue to implement and maintain the 2m social distancing measures already in place and not plan to reduce this to 1m+.’
We know the government guidelines are complicated and appear to be forever-changing, but be assured we’re following them closely.
(If it helps to know, sometimes school leaders are confused by the messages, too: current guidance for primary planning advises heads ‘if you can keep older children…two metres away from each other, you should do so’. However, on 24 June, the daily email and a blog from the Department for Education stated something apparently quite different: ‘primary schools do not need to keep children 2 metres apart from each other – this has been the case throughout the outbreak’.)
Summer holidays
On Friday evening, the DfE confirmed that there is no expectation that schools should open for vulnerable children and children of critical workers over the summer holiday.
They stated: ‘Teachers, support staff and school leaders deserve a break, to recharge and rest.’
They further added: ‘We can confirm that providers offering paid childcare will be able to operate over the summer holidays, in line with protective measures guidance. Additional funded activities may be available in local areas, such as the Holiday Activities and Food scheme.’
It’s great news that children entitled to free school meals can benefit from enriching activities throughout the summer. The Holiday Activities and Food programme will support up to 50,000 disadvantaged children across 17 local authority areas, including Leeds, and help them to stay healthy and active over the summer.
Ten providers, including the Leeds Community Foundation, were successful in their bid for the programme and will be supporting families in need with activities and healthy meals. Activities will include a variety of online and directly delivered physical activities such as dance, yoga, HIIT and adventure play.
September and beyond – plans
The government has not yet published its plans for schools opening in September, but its intention is clear: that all pupils will be back for all the time.
Draft plans have been leaked and published yesterday on the Huffington Post.
These plans are still very much subject to change, but a couple of things are encouraging, including the ability to adapt the curriculum so that we can make sure our pupils catch up on valuable skills in reading, writing and maths. Please be assured we’re committed to doing this in a way which means our children can continue to enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum with enriching and enjoyable experiences.
The plans also raise questions, too. For example, there is a strong emphasis on class bubbles of 30. This means we’ll have to carefully consider how we plan the school day and week, and it might mean we still need to close early for one half day each week. Hopefully, the government’s full plans will provide lots of guidance and detail.
Our daily message (29 June 2020)
Posted on 29 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
We hope you had a good weekend. Despite the unpredictable weather, hopefully you managed some social time with family or friends while respecting social distancing. On my last few Sunday morning walks, I’ve spotted quite a few familiar faces up and about which is lovely to see.
As with previous Mondays, we kick off the week with an addition or alternative to some home learning…
Living and Learning is the name for all the teaching and learning we do around Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE). Each week in school, we’ve a Living and Learning statement. I make healthy choices… is our statement this week. One of the Sphere Federation Health Leaders writes:
This week in school, we would have been enjoying one of our themed weeks: Being happy and healthy. Right now, it’s even more important to look after our own physical and mental health. To help, we’d like to share some ideas to look at the theme of being happy and healthy at home. Start by watching this clip from BBC Bitesize and reading these top ten tips from Child Friendly Leeds for families to keep healthy and happy at home.
Can you encourage your child to make a new healthy choice every day this week? Or think about one new healthy change your child can make? Try to help them make sure the choice is a realistic, achievable one, such as avoiding being on an electronic device after a certain time to help sleep, or adding one extra daily portion of vegetables to their diet each day.
Here are some links to support you with this learning at home which may be as well as or instead of some of your child’s home learning for this week:
- Healthy eating – Change4Life, British Nutrition Foundation Healthy Eating week, Food a fact of life
- Physical health – Government guidelines recommend at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, get active with National School Sports Week resources, imovement, ThisisPE, GoNoodle
- Mental health (including reducing screen time) – Tips for reducing screen time, Anna Freud centre, MindMate, Childline calm zone, listen to meditations, try yoga, look at our suggested mindfulness techniques
- Sleep – Good-Night Guide For Children, Top tips to help children sleep well
- Teeth – Keeping our teeth healthy
- Hygiene – e-bug KS1, e-bug KS2, hand washing
Talking of handwashing and being healthy…
Is everyone in your household still washing their hands carefully? After weeks of lockdown, perhaps not. This experiment might prompt you to get back into the habit: invisible flourescent paint (think of this as coronavirus or any other bug) was applied to the hand of one person (imagine the person has just coughed into their hand)… watch how it spreads.
(Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip…)
Our daily message (26 June 2020)
Posted on 26 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Our final message this week comes from Miss Beatson, our Head of School…
We thought we’d update you on the staffing in school at present and in the future.
Currently, we have two Foundation/KS1 bubbles and two KS2 bubbles. Miss Harker and Miss Marsden are leading the F/KS1 bubbles. Mr Mills, Mrs Allen-Kelly, Mrs Rowley and Mrs Welsby are leading the KS2 bubbles.
Whilst the children who are coming to school are happy and relieved to be back into some kind of routine, school by no means feels complete. We miss our home learners enormously. Staff are working really hard to keep in touch by email, phone calls or even a wave through the fence. You’ve not been forgotten!
In September, the class teachers haven’t changed too much…
Foundation: Miss Marsden
Y1/2: Miss Harker
Y3/4: Mrs Welsby and Mrs Rowley
Y5/6: MIss Beatson and Mr Mills
We’re very sad to say goodbye to Mrs Allen-Kelly, who is leaving St James’ this term to teach at Scholes (Elmet) Primary, one of our federation schools. Mrs Allen-Kelly started at the same time as me three years ago. She has been a great member of the Early Years team and she’ll be missed. Miss Marsden will become the full time Early Years teacher.
The current Foundation parents will be emailed some Year 1 transition information next week to support the start in September.
Please email stjamesheadofschool@spherefederation.org if you have any questions or queries. Do get in touch if you’re struggling in any way.
Our daily message (25 June 2020)
Posted on 25 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Today’s message is especially for the many parents whose child remains at home…
How’re things with you? For many of us, it’s getting tough. We know that from some of the conversations we’re having with you. And we know that from how we’re feeling, too. If you’re finding things tough right now, it might help to know you’re not alone.
Even with some aspects of lockdown easing, there are still things that aren’t back to normal – and we know one of the most important things that’s not easing up is your child being at home, away from their friends and away from their teacher.
Way back in March, just before schools closed, some of you speculated at the school gate about this going on for the rest of the school year. Despite this, I reckon at first many of us chose to not think about this lasting so long – we just got on with things. The first few weeks might have felt it was a bit of a novelty, even, and we had the resilience and positivity to get through it.
This was always going to be a marathon, not a sprint. We’re definitely approaching the finishing line – we just can’t see it yet. And just like a real marathon (not that I’ve ever run one!), the last stages are tough.
Things are challenging because you can see some people back at school – it’s hard not to feel a sense of envy or even resentment. And things are challenging when you hear about other aspects of lockdown easing – what a weird situation that we can take children to a zoo, but not to school.
The government has announced that all pupils in all year groups in England will go back to school full-time in September. Even if that doesn’t happen (and I’m thinking worst-case scenario here), I’m confident all children will be back at school on a rota system, For us, that would mean we can plan for teaching in school and then follow-up home learning which is then is checked by the teacher… That’s got to be better than than the current situation – and remember, that’s a worst-case scenario.
In the meantime, if your child is still at home, remember the majority of children across England are in the same situation, and children are resilient – they can bounce back, and they will. We’ll all reach the end of this marathon we’re running, tired and emotional maybe, but we will reach it.
Our daily message (24 June 2020)
Posted on 24 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
Tomorrow’s message is for those parents whose child(ren) are still at home. Today’s message is especially to the parents and carers who have a child back at school – it’s a simple one:
Please respect social distancing.
For most people, this means just three things:
- only meet outside
- only meet up in a group of six people maximum
- stay two metres apart
Yes, we know the rules will soon ease up a bit, but that’s not until Saturday 04 July.
Right now, it’s still those three things we all need to follow.
We’re not judging a family or their choices about whether they follow guidelines or not, but the choices made at home have an impact on us in school. My job is to try and keep everyone safe. Asking a family to keep their child at home for 14 days is heartbreaking – it’s not a decision taken lightly at all. The reality is that it’s very upsetting.
If you and your family don’t follow social distancing, we’ll have to send your child home to quarantine for two weeks. This is a great shame for your child, and frustrating for other parents who want their child to be in school.
School is a social place and children chat away – it’s natural for children to want to catch-up and share what they’ve been up to. Imagine how they feel when they’ve been chatting happily and they end up saying something about visiting a friend or family member’s house, maybe for a meal or to socialise.
To be really clear about this: the chats we have with children are social chats – light and cheerful. We obviously don’t intend to make the child feel uncomfortable, and it’s horrible if child ends up feeling confused and guilty, thinking they’ve done something wrong, but not sure what.
The situation can be horrible for the child and difficult for us – but we need to protect all the children and staff and so we can’t just ignore the concern.
Here’s a comment from another school leader this week:
I totally feel for the children in this sort of situation. It’s not their choice at all, but they feel the awkwardness of it, and then have to miss out on seeing their friends and getting some normal school time.
Thank you for helping us to all stay safe.
Our daily message (23 June 2020)
Posted on 23 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
In our message today, we’ve a response to some government announcements made last week, and a reminder about the annual reports we recently emailed to parents.
Annual reports
By now, you should all have received a copy of your child’s annual report.
Because of the coronavirus outbreak, teachers wrote the report based on the learning up to Friday 20 March, the date that schools closed. All the information, including the attainment bands and progress, refer to the period from September to March.
We want you to know as much as you want about your child’s learning. If you want to discuss the report, please do contact your child’s class teacher or the Head of School.
Free school meals over the summer holiday
You’ll be aware of the success of Marcus Rashford in persuading the government to provide free school meals over the summer – the government had previously said the scheme would end at the end of the term.
In last Tuesday’s post (16.06.20), we encouraged caution when hearing about government plans. This is a case in point, because at the moment the information about this is that this is for a voucher scheme only. This is different to how we’ve provided free school meals over Easter, when we worked with our regular caterers who provided food hampers. It’s worth knowing so you can perhaps start to find out more about the vouchers and how they work.
If you’ve had a recent change in circumstances – a loss of job or a reduction in earnings, for example – your child might now be entitled to free school meals. Find out if you’re now entitled.
Summer catch-up programme
We ended last Tuesday’s post with reference to the summer catch-up scheme that the Prime Minister has pledged. Some of you have been asking us about this, but – as we said last week – caution is needed. In this case, it seems that the catch-up scheme is no longer part of the government’s strategy. This apparent shift might be due to the government working more closely with school leaders; in an email to members (19.06.20), the NAHT‘s general secretary wrote:
Importantly, previous headlines suggesting a ‘summer of catch-up classes’ appear to have been replaced with a more sensible, long-term plan… Our conversations with the government have not always been easy over the last few months, but I am pleased to be able to tell you that I sensed a real desire to engage with us over this particular issue and to listen to many of our concerns… My initial reaction is that, compared to where we were a week ago, this is a positive step forward for pupils and the profession.
We’re including this here so you’re aware that school won’t be open to operate any sort of summer programme of activity or learning.
As always, thanks very much for your support. Whether emailed, or mentioned to staff in passing, your supportive comments have really helped us.
Our daily message (22 June 2020)
Posted on 22 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree
In our post today, we have our regular Monday Living and Learning during lockdown update…
As you’ll know by now, Living and Learning is the name for all the teaching and learning we do around Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE). This half term, our theme is relationships. Each week in school, we have a Living and Learning statement. I tell the truth and say sorry if I need to… is our statement this week.
One of the Sphere Federation Health Leaders writes:
A classic story to support this theme is The boy who cried ‘wolf!’. Listen to the fable here and discuss the moral message with your child.
You may want to consider why people might not tell the truth. It could be:
- to cover something up
- to gain attention
- to manipulate a situation
- to impress others
Telling the truth might seem difficult, but it’s the best way to solve problems and move on.
Apologising or saying sorry in a caring way can make you feel good because you are trying to make things right again and help your relationship (and the other person will probably feel better, too). It shows the other person you have thought about your actions. When you empathise with them, you begin to feel sorry for your behaviour.
What might an apology look like? It might simply be saying, ‘I’m sorry’, writing them a note or doing something for the person you have upset,
You might also want to look at this article about saying you’re sorry – it could be a good read for an older child, and interesting for you to read, too.
Tomorrow’s message includes a response to some recent government announcements.
Our daily message (19 June 2020)
Posted on 21 June 2020 by Mrs Quirk
Our final message of the week is an important one for those of you who still have a child at home…
Before lockdown, what did ‘Zoom’ mean to you? A classic ice lolly from Lyons Maid? A timeless tune from the ’80s classic by Fat Larry’s Band? Now, of course, it’s synonymous with online video conferencing. (We know other video conferencing products exist, but here, we’ll refer to Zoom, which has taken off massively during lockdown.)
Before the end of the school year, teachers will host some Zoom meetings for children who remain at home.
Some background
The meetings will be with groups of children from the class. They’ll be a one-off chance for children to re-connect with the teacher, classmates and with learning. We think this is important for our friends still at home during lockdown, especially since we now know they won’t be returning until September, all being well.
One or two of you have been asking for teachers to deliver lessons by Zoom since the start of lockdown. We didn’t pursue this for two main reasons: safeguarding and effective teaching. (We have other reservations about Zoom to teach, too, but these are the main ones.)
We’re still not convinced Zoom (or any online video conferencing service) is an effective way to teach large groups of younger children online. It might work well for older children, but the important two-way dialogue that we have in school would be hard to re-create and sustain in a Zoom meeting.
There were some unpleasant stories at the start of lockdown that highlighted safeguarding concerns. However, Zoom has introduced improved security features. We’ve researched how best to secure the Zoom meetings; we’ve consulted colleagues who have begun to use it; and we’ve trialled it amongst ourselves. We’re now confident that Zoom can be used securely.
Next steps
The next steps are simple…
If your child is still learning at home, and you’d like your child to be part of a Zoom call with their teacher and some of their classmates, email your child’s teacher. By now, most of you will already have emailed – the teacher’s address is something like joebloggs@spherefederation.org (first name, last name and then @spherefederation).
When you email, you’ll need to provide the name that will appear in the Zoom call – the teacher won’t allow anyone into the meeting if they’re not expecting them. Ideally, the name would be the child’s first and last name, but it can be your name. (And please make sure the name is appropriate.)
The teacher will decide a date and time for this to happen – it’ll happen before the end of term. They’ll send an invitation with the log-in details back to you. We’re sorry – there can’t be much flexibility about the date and time.
How to prepare
For younger children, your child’s teacher will have a chat and read a story. For older children (Y3-Y6), the teacher will ask a couple of questions which will include questions related to home learning:
- What home learning have you felt most proud of?
- What learning have you made most progress with at home?
- What sort of learning routine are you in?
It would be great if your child has thought about these so they’re able to answer a question like that.
Some more details
- Meetings will be with groups of children from the class: no more than 10-12 children.
- The meetings are only for those who are home learning.
- Teachers will have a list of pupils and appropriate Zoom name in advance to allow people to enter.
- Two members of staff will be present throughout the Zoom.
- A parent / carer should be present at home, although you don’t need to be on screen throughout the meeting.
- Teachers will continue to make occasional phone calls home, too, but you might not get a call during the week teachers do their Zoom.
- The meeting will last about 15-30 minutes, depending on the size of the group.
- Some Zoom features will be disabled: the chat function, the record function, and the ‘re-name’ function will all be disabled.
- Participants will all be ‘mute’ on entry; teachers will manage the Zoom meeting by ‘unmuting’ children one at a time.
- Our school rules will still apply (including We respect everyone).
- Your child can be part of the Zoom but choose not to talk – no pressure!
- Teachers are aware of actions to take if a child doesn’t follow ground rules, school rules, instructions: this could include disabling video of anyone who is not following rules, for example.