Keeping in touch
Hi everyone,
For a quick message from me, click here.
I’ve added a few pictures of the first week of home learning. If you email me any pictures, I’ll add them to our class news.
Mrs Welsby
A message from your teachers…
Home Learning Heroes!…
Look at the fantastic learning at home this week, from three members of Foundation Class…. You are our Home Learning Heroes! We are so proud of you. Thank you to the parents who have been sending in lovely messages, photographs and learning observations.
If you would like to make it onto the ‘Home Learning Heroes’ wall next week, please keep sending in your pictures, questions and comments:
Happy Friday!
Hi year one and two,
I hope that you are all staying safe. It feels like a long time since we’ve seen each other but it has only been a week! I hope that you have enjoyed some of the learning tasks I have set. I would LOVE to see some photos and hear about what you are doing at home. Remember that you can send me questions and messages too!
I have been joining in with the Joe Wicks live workout and reading my book in the garden. Have you been playing outside in the sunshine?
I miss you all and hope to see you soon
Love Miss Harker
27 March 2020: Home Learning
Get Crafty!
Use the paper plate in your pack to make a Spring time animal or picture; perhaps you could make a chick or add some cotton balls to make a sheep? Use your imagination to get crafty! If you do not have bits to add and stick, you could draw an Easter picture onto your plate. |
Did your child make a model with recycled items? It would be great to see a photo of it! Please email us – including any comments from your child:
Literacy Activity
Use the laminated letter formation sheet handed out at parent’s evening and your whiteboard pen to practise writing each letter of the alphabet. |
Letters that are often difficult are s,b,d,e and a. Encourage your child to practise these.
Maths Activity
Numicon Addition: Fill in the answers on the sheet (write the number)- See page 13 of Home Learning pack. |
Can your child count on to find the answer?
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
26 March 2020: Home learning
Words to Read:
Phonics Activity: Play Phase 4 Phonics snakes and Ladders (see page 11 of home learning pack) with an adult or a friend. You will need a die (if you do not have one you could search for ‘virtual dice’ online, or on your phone) Roll the die and read the word you land on. Go up the ladders and down the snakes. Who will be first to the finish?! |
Did you play snakes and ladders today? Was your child able to spot any digraphs and trigraphs? Here are some great videos from MrThorne about digraphs and trigraphs.
The snakes and ladders games are from an educational resource website called Twinkl. Twinkl are offering parents and carers free access to thousands of resources, so you can select your own activities based on your child’s interests too.
Literacy Activity
Brenda’s Boring Egg We have been looking after our chick eggs in class and this story is all about hatching some feathery babies too!… If you have access to the internet, you can download the story at: |
Can you hear the rhyming words? Perhaps you could make a list of them. What was the special message in the story? Could you draw and decorate your own special egg- write sentences about what you think your baby duck would look like when it hatches. Don’t forget to make it exciting by adding lots of adjectives!
Can your child tell you the life cycle of a chicken? Please email us your child’s comments:
Maths Activity
Addition (Counting On) |
Ask your grown up to challenge you with different quantities.
Ask your grown up to challenge you with different quantities.
How did you find making number stories for your child? Here are some ideas of number problems you could ask your child (click the link)
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
A Big Thank You!
Thank you to the parents who have been sending us pictures. It has been lovely to see what you’ve been up to!
Here are some examples of what some of our Foundation 2 children have been up to this week.
Phase 2 and Phase 3 Sounds
Good Morning Parent Partners,
We hope you are all staying safe and well.
I have created this slide show video for anyone who is still unsure how the phonemes should sound, or anyone who has been unable to find a suitable video.
I have said the sounds twice each time and given the different ways the sounds can be voiced (th, oo)
I hope this helps- please let us know if you would like any other phonics support.
Quick Reminder!
Please don’t forget to email us any pictures of your home learning. We would love to see how you’ve been getting on and what you’ve been up to!
The weather is glorious today!
Make sure you get out in your garden and see what you can find.
You could change the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ to ‘We’re Going on a Bug Hunt!’
Read! Read! Read!
Remember to keep reading lots of books on a daily basis.
Here are some suggestions from Book Trust.
25 March 2020: Home learning
Words to read:
Tricky words- (All current tricky words can be found in your word passports)
Words to Write: melt, fact, golf, jump Phonics Activity: Write the caption (Adult to read aloud); I must not tramp on the flowers. Children may use the phoneme frame on page 9 if needed. |
Tricky words! Ask your child what is a tricky word? “A tricky word is a word you can’t sound out. You just have to know it.”
You can sing the songs for all the tricky words here.
Literacy Activity
Look through a book. Can you find any words with more than six letters? What is the longest word you can find? |
What book did you use to search for words today? Did your child have a favourite word that they found?
Did you go on a hunt for shapes today? What did your child find? Please email any photos or comments to:
It is great when we get direct quotes from children. This helps us gain a holistic view of your child’s learning journey.
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.