23 March 2020: F2 Home learning
Words to read:
Was your child able to blend the four daily words today? Encourage your child to use their ‘phoneme fingers’ to help them when reading words.
A phoneme is a unit of sound. So when sounding out words with digraphs/trigraphs those 2/3 letters is one unit of sound. For example; chip is sounded out as ch/i/p – using 3 fingers.
Phonics Activity: Twinkl- Draw a line to match the caption with the picture (see page 5 in your pack)
Literacy Activity
Visit pobble365.com. This website has daily pictures. Use the arrows to find the most interesting picture you can (or use today’s daily photo) Discuss the photo and write what you can see. Perhaps you are even inspired to come up with your own story based on the image!
Did your child have a favourite picture? Did your child make up their own story? Let us know via email. With each photo there are story starters and questions to help encourage your child’s imagination.
Maths Activity Twinkl
Finding One Less:
If you do not have toy cars, you can use anything! Dolls, teddies, pieces of food- any objects you can count!
Challenge: Can you record your findings either by drawing your objects and crossing on off each time or writing it as a number sentence (ie. 5-1=4)
What objects did you use when finding one less?
Was your child able to predict without counting?
Please use the email address below if you have any questions about the home learning activities.
Home Learning – further details
Foundation 1
Your child has been given a home learning pack. These activities will be posted weekly on the class news ‘Foundation’ page at 9am on Mondays. This pack will support your child for two weeks – up until the Easter break. The pack is set out in days but it is entirely up to you how and when you complete these tasks. Also, if you think of some of your own activities, don’t forget to share them with us too.
Foundation 2
Your child has been given a home learning pack. This contains a daily phonics, literacy and maths learning task. The home learning pack has enough learning activities/resources to support your child for two weeks – up until the Easter break. The activities from the pack will be posted on the class news ‘Foundation’ page daily at 9am. In addition we will be adding questions which will help you support your child.
After the Easter break we will be posting online daily learning tasks. These will include a phonics, literacy and maths activity. The tasks will show on the class news ‘Foundation’ page. They’ll be published daily, Monday to Friday, at 9am. Each the three tasks should take about 20 minutes each.
Please talk and read with your child on a daily basis. Share stories and read different types of texts. You could even make up your own stories!
We really want to keep in touch with everyone so remember you can email the Foundation teachers.
Email us if you’re unsure about some aspect of the home learning or if you want to share what you have been doing. The email address is the one you use to send your photos of home learning moments .
A reminder of the email address – stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org
We will aim to reply on the same day and no later than the following morning.
We look forward to hearing all about your learning at home this week.
PE with Joe Wicks
Some classes have used Joe Wicks workouts in their PE lessons recently and he has sent a message for you all.
Starting Monday 23rd March I’m going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.
With the schools closed and with us all spending more time at home, it’s more important than ever that we keep moving and stay healthy and positive.
Exercise is an amazing tool to help us feel happier, more energised, and more optimistic.
The workouts will be fun and suitable for all ages and even adults can get involved.
You don’t need any equipment, just tune in to my YouTube channel at 9am each morning for a 30-minute, fun workout.
One more thing! I really need your help to spread this message. So please please share this with everyone that might like to get involved, and together we can help keep the nation moving
Sport Relief 2020
For our Sport Relief ‘Game On’ challenge, Foundation challenged themselves to see how many star jumps they could do in 30 seconds.
It was super-tricky to get all of our limbs working together as we jumped out into our star shape and back again. We began the challenge on Thursday during PE and yesterday attempted to beat our personal best! Every child managed more jumps than the previous day with our ‘most improved’ being Lily who jumped 20 extra star jumps! Wow!
Thank you to our parents who generously donated to this important cause.
Home-Link w/c 16 March 2020
This week’s home-link ties in with our sport and health themed challenges of the week and has a hygiene focus. At this moment in time we are being extra vigilant with our hand-washing and hygiene routines but health and hygiene are something we embed every day in Foundation class. An important achievement we look for in the Prime area of Physical Development; Health and Self-Care (40-60m) is:
(Children) “Show some understanding that good practices with regard
to exercise, eating, sleeping and hygiene can contribute to
good health”
We would like you to ask your child; “What are the ways that we can keep healthy?”
Please record your child’s responses (in their own words) and either send this to us via email or written on paper and handed in to a class teacher. Thank you.
Reflection time, Hand to mouth and home-link…
Last week, Foundation had a visit from Hand to mouth who spent a circle time with us. We had a feely bag activity, explaining The Holy Trinity. Children picked out objects representing God the King of the Earth, God who sent his son to us and God the Spirit.
The children all listened very carefully but a special mention goes to the star of the session, Chloe, who explained what she knows about our Earth and the ways we speak to God during our collective worships at St James’. She told our visitor:
“God is with us, his spirit is with us”
Later in the week, during our reflection time, we focused on our Christian value of forgiveness. We discussed how it is important to show forgiveness to others and took part in an activity where we drew a picture on a whiteboard about a time where we might have made someone feel a bit sad. We spoke about feeling sorry for these times and we rubbed our boards clean to represent God’s forgiveness and the forgiveness of others.
If you would like to see pictures and activities from our reflection times, these can be found in our presentation book, in our classroom reflection area.
Home-link Challenge- w/c 09.03.20
It is Spring time! What signs can you see out and about linked to Spring? Perhaps you can see new flowers beginning to bud, leaves or blossom beginning to grow back on the trees, lighter mornings and evenings or baby animals being born?
We would like you to take photos, draw pictures or write sentences about the first signs or Spring. As always, you can email activities and photographs to the class email address:
World Book Day 2020
This week, we’ve been celebrating World Book Day by sharing stories for ten minutes each day. Yesterday, lots of children brought in their favourite book to share with the class. Foundation had a great time dressing up as a favourite book character, whilst KS1 and KS2 visited Scholes Primary School to watch a Hobgoblin performance of Wind in the Willows.
World Book Day 2020
We just LOVE reading in Foundation! We read and explore stories every day and all year around but it is great to have a special day each year to celebrate the joy of books.
For World Book Day 2020, we dressed as our favourite characters and brought in some of our favourite stories to tell our friends about on the special story-tellers chair!
We were also lucky to have some of our parents join us for a stay and read session this morning- thank you to those who could make it.
Some of us have created book marks, drawn pictures of our story characters and played our ‘guess the story’ game too.
Check out our wonderful World Book Day photos:
Here are some quotes from our children about their favourite stories:
Connor (F1) on his non-fiction Rumble with the Dinosaurs book- “This is my favourite book about dinosaurs; T-Rex, anchisaurus, spinosaurus. Look! If you press the button it goes ROAR!”
Willow (F2) on The Gruffalo– “I’m a Gruffalo. The mouse took a stroll in the deep, dark, wood!”
Elijah (F1) on his Henry; Thomas the Tank Engine book– “It’s a Henry book… see you can buy tickets to the museum to see Henry and Thomas and all the engines. There’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 engines”
Chloe (F2) on Snow White and the buried treasure- “In the story they find some treasure and a necklace- The norths, the seven… THE DWARVES! My favourite part was the prince going away… and this part makes me laugh cause the little dwarf goes under the rug!“
Super skippers!
What an amazing afternoon year 3 and 4 had today!
This afternoon, year 3 and 4 visited Temple Learning Academy to participate in a skipping competition against 4 other schools. The children behaved impeccably and made us very proud.
The children participated in 15 different events and we came away with 10 different certificates, including a few golds! We learnt a skip dance to “Let’s get ready to rumble” where we came 2nd! Certificates will be handed out during our achievement assembly on Friday.
Here are a few photos of us competing:
The new, national multiplication tables check
The government is introducing a new, statutory multiplication tables ‘check’ (MTC) for the first time, in June this year. Children in Year 4 will take this check.
The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will also help your child’s school to identify pupils who may need additional support.
Read more about the check in this leaflet from the Standards and Testing Agency.
Living and Learning: I can show forgiveness
This week, our living and learning statement was “I can show forgiveness.”
During our living and learning session, we completed one of our reflection area challenges. We wrote on our whiteboards something that we were sorry for – something that we needed forgiveness for. Then after we’d said sorry for it, we wiped it away. We wiped away the thing we were sorry for.