Class News

Wonderful Windchimes

Posted on Thursday 04 July 2019 by

Today in craft club we started making Windchimes.  We used lollipop sticks and we threaded string with beads. The wooden beads will make a calming sound as they bump into each other in the wind. Take a look at our creations.

Living and Learning: I can make healthy choices.

Posted on Tuesday 02 July 2019 by

Today we discussed the difference between making choices and healthy choices.  We talked about what it means to be healthy. Lucas shared that trying to stay active is a healthy choice that he makes.  As a class, we decided that healthy choices usually involve our wellbeing. Eliza suggested that it is really important to make healthy choices about our diet.

Tropical World

Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

We had a fabulous day at Roundhay Park and Tropical World.

The children were so excited and enthusiastic. They behaved brilliantly throughout a long day and we are very proud of how they represented the school and themselves. Well done Foundation.

Thanks again to our parent volunteers Mrs Kwallah and Mrs Greenough who were a huge help today.

Take a look at photos from our special class trip:

We were so excited for our school trip this morning…
When we got to the park we went for a nature walk…
and collected our own nature sticks…
Next, we went to the play park…
We practised our climbing…
Later, we had our picnic at the Bandstand…
After our picnic, we played parachute and circle  games…   
Then we took a close look at the beautiful ‘Leeds in Bloom’ flowers…
At Tropical World we saw so many amazing animals, like Gheckos…
Fish “Just like Dory and Nemo!”…
The friendliest Sting Rays…
… Meerkats


Tortoises and more!…
We finished the day with an ice-cream lolly, before heading back to our coach.

Living and Learning:I tell the truth and say sorry if I need to.

Posted on Wednesday 26 June 2019 by

As our Christian value is honesty this half term, we had a great discussion about telling the truth and saying sorry. Dexter shared that it is sometimes hard to explain why you have done something but we must always tell the truth. Jack added that it will help the person forgive you if you give them reasons for a our actions as they will understand better.

Super Smoothies

Posted on Thursday 20 June 2019 by

Today our class made smoothies which links to our food topic. We have been learning about different units of measure in year 1/2. We have looked at weight and mass as well as capacity and volume. When making our smoothies, we used our knowledge of food choices to help us decide what to use.

We decided to use grams to weigh out the fruit and millilitres to measure out hthe e volume of either juice or milk. The year 2 pupils opted for milk instead of juice because they know that milk contains calcuim which can strengthen bones.


Posted on Thursday 20 June 2019 by

Today in craft club,  we made pencil top characters. We used pipe cleaners and googley eyes to bring our characters to life. Take a look at our creations!

Our afternoon at the Church.

Posted on Tuesday 18 June 2019 by

Today we had our Church experience session. Throughout the afternoon, we took part in lots of exciting activities. We thought about praying, spreading the word of Jesus’ love as well as the history of the church.

Brilliant Bakers

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by

Yesterday, we put our measuring skills to the test.We made a marble cake.  In maths, we have been looking at using weighing scales to measure amounts in grams. We looked at the recipe carefully and we took our time when measuring out the ingredients in grams.

Living and Learning: I can see things from other people’s point of view.

Posted on Friday 14 June 2019 by

This week we had a class discussion about our living and learning statement. We all agreed that this is a very difficult thing to do sometimes. Harley suggested that it can be easier to think about other people’s reasons for doing things if we step back and think for a while. Mia shared that “if we talk about it with that person then we might be able to understand”. As a class, we understood the importance of being able to respect other people’s point of view.

Our exciting day

Posted on Thursday 13 June 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Two special things happened in Foundation today!

F2 and F1 children going up to F2 in September have enjoyed their first session with North Leeds Gymnastics. We have learnt some new floor positions…

The ‘Tuck’
The ‘Pike’
The ‘Straddle’

and we demonstrated some great travelling movements, inspired by animals:

The ‘Crab’
The ‘Bunny’
The ‘Snake’

We can’t wait to try even more next Thursday!

Our second piece of exciting news, is that our competition entries in the book ‘My First Riddle’, have finally been published. Any orders for books have arrived and we will proudly have a copy of the book on display in the classroom too.