Supertato- Veggies Assemble!
As our exploration of Superheroes continues, we have seen that they come in all shapes and sizes! This week we’ve been reading, retelling and writing about the story Supertato- Veggies Assemble. Towards the end of the week, we were sent a special video from Supertato, who gave us a mission to capture the Evil Peas.
Next week we’ll be learning about another unlikely Superhero- SUPERWORM!
We’ve been focusing on our new number ‘5’; showing different combinations of number that can be added together to make 5. F2 have revisited how to use a number line to find out one or two more, or less than a given number. It is important to understand which direction to ‘jump’ on the number line; going up the number line for addition, when we are adding more and going down the number line for subtraction, when we want to find less. This is a tricky skill that we will continue to work on in class. We’ll also be sending home a number line to keep in your child’s bookbag, to continue practising at home.
F1 children have been creating shape pictures and naming the shapes they have used. They’ve been listening to stories, drawing and exploring the vocabulary of texture during their Key worker time.
All of the children have enjoyed programming our remote control cars this week. We’anve used them in role play (to save the veggies) and in a maths game on the beebot mat. The children had to roll the die, count the spots and move their car that many squares on the mat.
This week we’ve declared the run up to Christmas. The magical Christmas fairies had heard that the children have been pretending to load Santa’s sleigh in the ‘Toy Shop’ role play area and have created them their very own ‘Santa’s Workshop’! We’re also starting to learn the songs for our exciting Christmas production. We have an extra reward in the classroom at this festive time too; all children who have a ‘wow’ moment in the classroom get to choose a decoration to add to our Christmas tree.
Home-Link Challenge
F2- We did not get many challenges returned this week (the challenge based on the number 5) This week, instead of providing a photograph please encourage your child to draw their own representation of 5 objects- it can be 5 of anything! They could tell you the different ways they know how to make 5, using full number sentences.
F1- Please read picture books with your child that feature people. Pay particular attention to personal pronouns (“he”/ “him” for boys and “she”/ “her” for girls)
Upcoming Stay and Play Sessions
Wednesday 5th December 2018; 3.15- 3.45 – Funky Phonics
Thursday 20th December 2018; 8.45- 9.30- Learning journey drop in with CHRISTMAS STAY AND DECORATE!
Fabulous Homework
This week, we had a homework review and looked at our creative homework that the children had completed.
We had a lovely variety of homework. Here is a sample of our homework.
Sphero coding!
Recently, Year 1 and 2 enjoyed a visit to Wetherby library to participate in a coding workshop using Sphero balls and iPads.
The children used the Sphero app to programme their robot. They programmed it using drag and drop actions and even changed the colour of their Sphero. Sphero was sent flying across the library and the children learnt to weave the robot around a maze.

Living and Learning: I know how to stop bullying
Our living and Learning statement this week was ‘I know how to stop bullying’. We began the week by participating in “Odd Socks Day”. We looked at how it is okay to be different.
During our living and learning session, we started by talking about what bullying is. We used the word STOP to help us. STOP stands for Several Times On Purpose. We discussed that this means that if somebody is hurting someone’s body or their feelings on purpose and more than a few times it is bullying.
We used the word STOP again to help us remember that if somebody is being bullied, whether it is us or somebody else we need to Start Telling Other People. We thought of five people/ways that we could tell: mum/dad, teacher, grandparents, write it down and put it in the worry box, or a friend.
Living and Learning: I know how to STOP bullying.
During the week we have reflected on the many issues surrounding bullying. The theme of this years Anti Bullying week is ‘Choose respect’
What does this actually mean and how do we show respect to our friends?
RESPECT ‘have due regard for (someone’s feelings, wishes, or rights)’
In our Living and Learning session we thought how being bullied makes a person feel. We talked about all the emotions involved such as being scared, terrified, worried, heart broken.
Some people were honest enough to say you may feel so frustrated if you are bullied that you might feel like you want to ‘do the same to them’.
After a very grown up circle time, we agreed the best way to stand up to a bully and STOP bullying is to tell someone. Always.
Learning links
Here are some useful website links for you to practise some key concepts.
Character descriptions
In year 5/6, we have been using figurative language to describe a character from the poem- The Raven. Here are some highlights- well done Alfie and Ruby!
“His frail, gaunt body was as weak as a dying tree in the darkness….”
“In his room of doom, he was a priest praying for his mislaid, charming love- Lenore.”
Bradford Media Museum
Yesterday, we had a fantastic school trip to Bradford Media Museum. We watched a film in 3D at the IMAX and we were all inspired to become engineers and ‘think big’ which was the message in the film.
The most popular exhibition was in the games studio where we played games dating back to the 1970s! Donkey Kong and Pacman were just a couple of the old games we enjoyed.
We took part in a workshop in the Wonderlab studio, where we found out about sound and light waves and how they are used in fibre optics to help us communicate with people around the world.
A very special visitor
Earlier this week, we welcomed a very special guest into our classroom – none other than Mrs Richardson’s dad! He came in to talk to us about rationing and evacuation, which links into our topic work on food throughout time – as well as our current class novel ‘Friend or Foe’.
We all found it fascinating hearing about what life was like growing up in the war and what kinds of foods he ate – some of them sounded quite weird!
We’d like to say a big thank you to Mrs Richardson’s dad for giving up his time and giving us such a memorable experience.
Fiddly Fingers Stay and Play
Thank you to the parents and children who joined us for the Fiddly Fingers Stay and Play today. We hope you enjoyed the session and feel confident to help support fine motor skills at home. It’s always so lovely to see how excited the children are to show their learning to their family. We really appreciate your support.