How to Catch a Star
This week our focus book has been How to Catch a Star by Oliver Jeffers.
The children have really enjoyed thinking of different ways to catch their own star.
“I would use a lasso to catch a star.” Joey
“I would eat 9 peeled apples and collect the seeds and plant them to grow a tree. I would climb the tree to the top and get a star.” Carson
“I would use a really big ladder and climb to the top.” Ella
Our word of the week has been reflection and we looked closely at shiny and dull objects. We also looked at the artist Claude Monet who created lots of artwork looking at the Houses of Parliament.
This week, we focused on the new digraphs sh, th, ng and nk.
We’ve also learnt the tricky words; she, he, of, go, no
Tricky words are words that should be read by sight. We start by identifying which part of the word is ‘tricky’.
Please continue to revisit this week’s sounds, by using the learn at home sheets. Thank you.
Poetry Picnic
Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called Shoes.
Before I jump into my bed,
Before I dim the light,
I put my shoes together,
So they can talk all night.
I’m sure they would be lonesome,
If I tossed one here or there,
So I put my shoes together,
For they are a friendly pair.
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
Maths Stay and Learn
For those parents who could not attend the Maths Stay and Learn last week or if you would like to access the teacher presentation, please click the link below:
Parent copy SE Maths Mastery presentation stay and learn 2024
World Nursery Rhyme Week
This week has been World Nursery Rhyme week. We have had a great week celebrating our favourite Nursery Rhymes and have focused on a range of different nursery rhymes and we have been singing them (even more!) at carpet times.
Help at home: Sing your favourite Nursery Rhyme and send a video of you singing it for us to share in class.
Odd Socks
I know how to STOP bullying is our school living and learning statement this week. On Tuesday, we wore odd socks to signify our differences and share the message that we are all different in some way. We discussed how important it is to celebrate our differences and respect everyone.
We read the story Odd Dog Out by Rob Biddulph and talked about how great it is to all be different.
“I am different because I have one white sock and one black sock!”
“I am different because I have a big sister and no brothers.”
“I am different because I have blue eyes.”
Stay and Learn; Maths 1
On Wednesday, we had a wonderful afternoon exploring maths with our adults.
Thank you to all of the parents and carers that were able to join us in the classroom to watch a short lesson, take part in some activities and listen to a teacher presentation.
This week, we focused on the new GPCs (Grapheme-phoneme correspondence) v, w, x, y.
We’ve also learnt the tricky words; and, has, his, her
Tricky words are words that should be read by sight. We start by identifying which part of the word is ‘tricky’.
Please continue to revisit this week’s sounds, by using the learn at home sheets. Thank you.
Poetry Picnic
Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called A Basket of Apples.
I’ve got a basket of apples, picked from a tree.
Apples rosy red for you, and shiny green for me.
Some of them are big, and some of them are small.
Some of them are oval, and some shaped like a ball.
Some of them are sour, and some of them are sweet.
Lots of lovely apples for you and I to eat.
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
Binny’s Diwali
Welcome to Autumn 2, this half term our theme is Light and Dark and our first focus book was Binny’s Diwali.
Our word of the week was Festival and we looked closely at the Hindi festival of Diwali, we talked about the features of a festival- special clothes, special food, a happy celebration.
This week, we focused on the new digraphs ff, ll, ss and the single letter phoneme j.
We’ve also learnt the tricky word; as
Tricky words are words that should be read by sight. We start by identifying which part of the word is ‘tricky’. In as, the ‘s’ is tricky because it makes the /z/ sound.
Help at home; World Nursery Rhyme Week
Next week, we’ll be celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week.
If your child would like to, we’d love to share a recording of them telling their favourite nursery rhyme in class. Please send your videos to
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
Leaf Man
It has been another fun filled week in reception this week, our focus book has been Leaf Man by Elois Ehlert.
We’ve enjoyed exploring the season of Autumn. We went on an autumn walk to collect some leaves and found lots of different colours and shapes. We even went to see the hedgehog that tried to come into school.
Help at home: Go on an autumn hunt and see if you can spot signs of autumn like acorns, pine cones, squirrels conkers and more. Don’t forget to send in some pictures to add to our seasons display.
Poetry Picnic
This week our poem was Five Little Pumpkins.
Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate.
The first one said, ‘Oo, it’s getting late.’
The second one said, ‘There are witches in the air.’
The third one said, ‘Well I don’t care.’
The fourth one said, ‘Let’s run, run, run.’
The fifth one said, ‘Let’s have some fun.’
But oooh went the wind, and out went the light,
And five little pumpkins tumbled out of sight.
This week, we have learnt the phonemes (the sounds a letter makes) h, f, b and l. We’ve also learnt a new tricky word; the.
Help at home: Look out for a ‘learn at home’ sheet which recaps the phonics learning from the week. Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.
In Maths, some of our teddies have been arguing over who has more things. we have used the stem sentence
“… has more than..”
“…has fewer than…”
The activities this week have focused on developing the skill of comparing as children have been encouraged to look carefully and use the language of comparison to describe sets of objects.
‘Fewer than’ is used rather than ‘less than’ because the focus is on countable things.
Next week our focus book is Potion Commotion by Peter Bentley and Sernur Isik.
Help at home – bottles.
Please can we ask for some donations of bottles to help with a potion themed challenge next week. Thank you for your support.
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
Stay and Learn; Phonics Phase 2 10.10.24
A big thank you to parents and carers who joined us on Wednesday for our Phonics Phase 2 Stay and Learn session. We hope you enjoyed watching a lesson in action, taking part in some activities with your child and that the teacher presentation was informative.
Here’s some more information about phonics and reading in Reception…
What do reading groups look like in class?
Children read with an adult at the same time each morning. They look at the same book throughout the week, in groups of 6 or less. We usually read 4 times a week (Mon-Thurs). The current week’s eBook is usually issued by Friday evening.
Day 1/2- Decoding– children are introduced to new vocabulary, key decodable words (words that can be segmented and blended) and read through the book together. The aim is to work towards automaticity (reading the words on sight/memory recognition), which in turn makes reading more fluent.
Day 3- Prosody– prosody is the patterns of stress, intonation and rhythm in speech (i.e. sounding like a story-teller!) this is modelled to the children and they are taught to spot features in the text that will affect the way we read the words (for example; how is the character feeling? is there an exclamation/question mark or other grammatical features? and briefly pausing when we see a full stop)
Day 4- Comprehension– the children will be asked a range of questions to check their understanding of what they have read. These can usually be found on the last page of the eBook, if you’d like to use them at home as talking points.
Reading reports and Keeping in Touch
Teachers will check reading reports each week and will make ‘keeping in touch’ phone calls to those who have not read within the week, to see if we can offer any further support. You can also ask your class teacher at any time, if you are having issues accessing reading at home.
Reading records
Please remember to send your child’s reading records to school each Thursday. Please add a short comment about how your child has been getting on with their reading at home. Remember, this can also be about other reading as well as eBooks.
Finally, another thank you to those of you who attended the Stay and Learn. We would love your feedback!
Thank you
Henri’s Scissors
It has been another fun filled week in reception this week, our focus book has been Henri’s Scissors by Jeanette Winter a biography about the artist Henri Matisse.
We have been artist and created our own piece of artwork in the style of Henri Matisse. We used our cutting skills to cut up shapes to add to our pictures just like Henri did.
Poetry Picnic
This week our poem was Leaves are Falling.
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling,
One fell on my nose.
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling,
One fell on my toes.
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling,
One fell on my head.
Leaves are falling, leaves are falling,
Yellow, Orange, Red.
This week, we have learnt the phonemes (the sounds a letter makes) ck, e,u and r. We’ve also learnt a new tricky word; I.
Help at home: Look out for a ‘learn at home’ sheet which recaps the phonics learning from the week. Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.
In Maths, we’ve been using our subitising skills to identify patterns to 4. We even tried to listen to how many sounds we could hear – without counting. We have investigated different ways of making 4, using multilink cubes. This was lots of fun and definitely bit of a challenge.
Next week our focus book is Leaf Man by Elois Ehlert.
Help at home – autumn leaves and conkers.
If you go on a walk this weekend, we’d really appreciate donations of dry leaves to help us with an art project next week. We also need some conkers to use in our maths learning – see how many you can find! Thank you for your support.
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt!
We’ve had a great week this week using our focus book We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.
We’ve made beds for the bear in the workshop area, cut bears out in the funky fingers area and written messages to the bear in the message centre. But the most exciting part of our week was definitely when we went on our very own bear hunt. We listened for lots of different noises on our sound walk: we heard, children talking, birds tweeting, leaves crunching and finally we found a bear!
Our word of the week has been squelch the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning.
“I am squelching in the mud!”
“Mrs Rippon made the paint squelch, it was a funny noise!”
Poetry Picnic
This week our poem was Falling Apples
Here is the tree with its leaves so green.
Here are the apples that hang between.
When the wind blows, the apples will fall.
And this is the basket to catch them all.
This week, we have learnt the phonemes (the sounds a letter makes) g, o, c and k. We’ve also learnt a new tricky word; is.
During our phonics learning, we listened carefully to the initial sound in a word and sorted objects by the sounds they begin with.
Help at home: Look out for a ‘learn at home’ sheet which recaps the phonics learning from the week. Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.
This week, we have explored how numbers can be composed of 1s.
We have will learnt that a ‘whole’ is made up of smaller parts and is, therefore, bigger than its parts.
The classroom Challenges this week have been
- to write a message to the bear.
- to cut out the bears.
- to make a bed for the bear.
- to sort the materials wood, plastic and paper.
- to go on a bear hunt.
- to make a collection of up to 3 items and use the stem sentence 1 and 1 and 1 makes 3.
Next week our focus book is Henri’s Scissors by Jenette Winter.
Reminders and Notices
Stay and learn session
Our first stay and learn session will be on Wednesday 9th October 9am-10am. This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about phonics and watch your child learning in school. There will also be a coffee morning after the session.
Please ensure you sign up at the door before Tuesday 8th October or email
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
The Everywhere Bear
This week we have had great fun with our focus book The Everywhere Bear by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb.
In the story the Everywhere Bear goes on lots of adventures with the children and a huge journey when he gets lost! We added actions to help us to remember the ten different place he went, this helped us to remember and say them all. Great work reception!
Our word of the week has been journey the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning. We also created maps to show some of the journey’s we go on.
“On my journey to school I go past the Bob shop.”
“I found a conker on my journey today.”
Poetry Picnic
This week our poem was Breezy Weather
Breezy weather. Freezy weather.
When the leaves fall, we all fall together.
Breezy weather. Freezy weather.
When the wind blows, we huddle together.
The classroom Challenges this week have been
- to write a message to the Everywhere Bear.
- to cut along the lines.
- to join two materials together.
- to make a map of a journey.
- To use the investigation station to explore the garden.
- to use the images to say what you can see and how you can see it.
This week, we have learnt the phonemes (the sounds a letter makes) i,n,m and d.
During our phonics learning, we listened carefully to the initial sound in a word and sorted objects by the sounds they begin with.
Help at home: Look out for a ‘learn at home’ sheet which recaps the phonics learning from the week. Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.
Next week our focus book is We’re Going On a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.
Reminders and Notices
Stay and learn session
This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about the Early Years Curriculum and watch your child learning in school.
Phonics Phase 2 and coffee morning – 09.10.24 9am-10am
PE– Is on Monday please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers they can fasten themselves.
Sharing Books– Please can these be returned on Thursday for the children to pick a new one.
Family Photo-please can I remind you to send in a photo of your child with their family so we can add them to our class display. You can in a copy of your photo or email it to:
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
The importance of attendance
What did you do today? ‘We just played’…is the answer many parents of Reception children get. But here’s just a few of the things your child would miss if they’re absent for five consecutive days.
Phonics: Children learn four new graphemes and three tricky words each week.
Reading: Children practise reading books that closely match their phonics, plus loads of stories are read aloud and celebrated. We visit the school library once a week to choose a book to take home.
Poetry picnic: There’s a poetry session every day –another valuable activity which helps children learn to read.
Writing: We write every day using the graphemes that we’ve learned.
Handwriting: Children learn how to form letters correctly, otherwise joining letters will be difficult in Key Stage 1.
Maths: We’ve four maths sessions a week, setting the foundations for children to be successful in using and applying numbers in the future.
Alongside all of this, children learn Science, Music and other subjects. Even more importantly, children learn to concentrate in a large group, to share resources, take turns when speaking, answer in full sentences, regulate our feelings and prepare ourselves for future learning.
There’s a lot happening when ‘we just play’!