Reception Class News

Week 4 – Clean up!

Posted on Friday 30 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Our focus book this week has been ‘Clean Up’ by Nathan Byron. This story helps us to understand why looking after our planet is so important and the impact pollution can have on our environment. The children have loved thinking of ways that they could help people to remember to take their rubbish home or put it in a bin.

Our book was set in Jamaica. We learnt more about where Jamaica was in the world and that it was an island. We recognised that we live on an island too! We then labelled the land and sea and made our own islands.

As there has been more rain this week, this made us think about rain coats and what materials are best to keep us dry. We decided to conduct an experiment to see which materials would be best to make a jacket for a polar bear.

We have learnt more about the sculpture Alexander Calder. We looked at some of his pieces of work and created our own inspired pieces using wire and polystyrene 3d shapes.

Our poem this week was all about peas! We hope you enjoy it!


Week 3 – Sharing a Shell

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

What a great week we have had in Reception. Our focus book this week is Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson. We recognised that this author has written lots of other stories and remembered some of our favourites.

We have been learning more about rockpools and creatures that live inside them. We used dough and construction to make our own ones.

We created our own ice-creams using puffy paint! We used shaving foam and glue to make our ice-creams come to life!

This week for poetry basket we learnt more about a song. We hope you like our version.


We hope you have a great weekend!


Our School Adventure

Posted on Thursday 22 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We had such a fantastic day at Piglets Adventure Park on Tuesday. Even though the weather was a little rainy we had an amazing day. On the coach we saw what it is like to drive through a city. We saw different buildings and spoke about how the roads were busy.

We learnt more about what the animals need on a daily basis and the correct vocabulary for adults and their young.

The sand areas were great for us to discuss the beach and ways we can keep safe.

Thank you to everyone who made our trip possible.

Week 2 – Seaside Poems

Posted on Friday 16 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

What a lovely sunny week we have had at school! This week our focus book is called ‘Seaside Poems’. We have loved reading and listening to the different poems. We had lots of fun spotting rhyming words and thinking about words we associate with the seaside.

We have really enjoyed learning with our new outdoor equipment. We have investigated how water can move in different ways and made our own beach. The ladder and climbing frame have helped us with our climbing and balancing skills.

We have been thinking about different ways we can travel when at the seaside. Boats are an important vehicle so we decided to create our own.

During circle time we discussed fruits that we like to eat. A member of our class said that they wanted to know where melons grow. We used an atlas to look at different countries and discussed why some things grow better in different places. We enjoyed a tasty snack of melon afterwards.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Week 1 – One is a snail ten is a crab

Posted on Monday 12 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back to a very exciting final summer term! Our topic this term is all about the seaside and different cities.

Our focus story this week is a counting book. We have been looking at the legs of different creatures. We have been adding different amounts together and creating numbers beyond 20.

Our word of the week this week is country. We have learnt more about what a country is and which country we live in and have lived in and different countries we have visited.  We created finger print flags for different countries.

We have been working hard on our counting skills. We have been counting amounts to 20. It is important to count slowly and carefully so we don’t miss any numbers.

We have been using our predicting, counting and recording skills in our maths provision. We had to predict how many objects were in the bowls, counted to see if we were right and then recorded the amounts.

We are loving our new physical activities in our PE lessons. This week we have been taking part in ‘ants in your pants’. We have to work in partners and one person needs to get the ants into the hoop whilst the other person moves the hoop away.

Our poem this week is all about thunderstorms. We loved making the different sounds.


As the weather is set to get warmer please can we make sure that everyone has a sun hat, water bottle and sun cream.

Week 6 – My body

Posted on Thursday 25 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

What a lovely sunny week we have had! Our focus book this week has been a non-fiction book all about our bodies. We have learnt more about x-rays and the different bones in our bodies.

We have used charcoal and chalk and create images of a skeleton and observational drawing of our hands. We explored smudging and creating different effects with the different materials.

We learnt more about the 5 different senses and went on a senses walk around school. It was amazing what we heard when we listened carefully. Whilst exploring on the school field we even heard a chicken! We then recorded the different things we had noticed through our senses.

We had a very special surprise when we arrived in school on Monday. Our butterflies have appeared! They are beautiful and lots of different colours. We released our special friends into the school field.

Week 5 – Farmyard Hullabaloo

Posted on Friday 19 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We have been down on the farm this week in Reception! Our focus story has taken us on a farmyard adventure visiting the different animals. We did some fantastic writing using adjectives to describe the different farm animals.

We have been working hard on our sewing projects and we have now finished our animal puppets. We added facial features and checked they were tightly sewn together.

In maths this week we have been learning more about number tracks. We used cubes to represent different numbers and then created our own tracks and counted starting at different points.

We have been learning more about different animals that we might see on a farm. Oscar asked “what is a baby duck called?” we decided to learn more about different adult and child animal names.

We have really enjoyed our poem this week. We really hope you enjoy it too!


Our observations on our caterpillars have continued this week. We have discovered that they have started their next stage of their lifecycle. We cannot wait to see them transform into butterflies.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Week 4 – Rumble in the Jungle

Posted on Sunday 14 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We hope you all enjoyed the bank holiday weekend! This week has been actioned packed in Reception. Our focus story has been ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ we have loved exploring the different rhyming words and creating movements to match the animals.

We have been creating our very own rainforests using a range of different materials. In construction we thought of bigger objects we could use, whilst in our creative areas we used different paints to create different trees and animals.

We have used our computer skills to find out facts about different animals that live in the rainforest. We then turned these into our own animal fact files!

We have began a special project! We are learning to sew! This week we have thought about the shape of our animal hand puppets and learnt how to threat the needle. We are using running stitch to stitch the two parts together. Please keep a watch out for how these develop next week.

Our caterpillars are getting quite large now! It will soon be time for them to start the next part of their lifecycle into a butterfly.

School is closed on Monday 15 May for a staff training day. We can’t wait to see you all back in school on Tuesday 16 May.


Week 3 – Walking Through the Jungle

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mr Roundtree

It has been another busy week in reception! This week our focus story has helped us to learn more about different ways we can move and different animals we may see in the Jungle. We have moved like the different animals in the story and created story maps before writing about the animals using adjectives.

As part of our maths sessions we have been using the song ‘5 little monkeys jumping on the bed’ to help us recognise 5 as a whole and the different parts it can be broken into. We really enjoyed helping the monkeys jump out of the bed!

We have been very busy preparing for the coronation this weekend. We have created our very own afternoon tea and made crowns to celebrate this occasion.

Our beans and caterpillars are growing really well. We have transferred our beans into outdoor planters and we are hopeful that our caterpillars will soon move into their next transition phase.

This week we have focused on the nursery rhyme ‘sing a song of sixpence’ we hope you like it!


I hope you all have a wonderful long weekend and enjoy the celebrations!

Mrs Payne

Week 2 – The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Posted on Friday 28 April 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We have had a wonderful week in school. Our focus book this week has been ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have been learning more about minibeasts and lifecycles. We went on a minibeast walk around school and discovered some tadpoles in our school pond. We have even got some caterpillars in our classroom to observe.

We have been investigating using different art materials to create caterpillars and butterflies. It was very exciting to see what happened when we painted half of a butterfly and then folded the paper.

Our PE lessons this term are focusing on different ball skills. We have introduced hockey sticks and are working hard on controlling a ball around a track. It is lots of fun!

Our poem this week is all about finding a wiggly worm. I wonder if you could help find a worm in your garden?


I hope you all have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all back on Tuesday.

Mrs Payne