Reception Class News

Transition: Week 1

Posted on Friday 10 September 2021 by Mrs Wood

This week, we welcomed our first group of Reception children. It was lovely to see all of you in your new uniforms! They’ve settled so well and have already started to show us what amazing things they can do! As always, the Reception classroom is a busy learning environment.

Click here to watch what we’ve been up to.

Every morning, we will encourage your child to be independent when doing their daily jobs. The jobs include: hanging up their coat, finding their name, choosing their lunch, and voting for a story.  When you drop off your child, a member of staff will always be available for a quick chat.


Things to remember…

  • PE will be every Wednesday – your child should come to school in their PE kit. Our first PE session will be on Wednesday 22 September.
  • A pair of wellies are essential in Foundation! We go outside to play in all weather!
  • Your child will need a labelled water bottle each day. Please ensure the bottle only contains water – no juice, please!
  • The school day is 8.50 am – 3.15 pm.
  • Don’t forget to encourage independence when your child is getting ready for school!

Don’t forget to attend the Reception Zoom session next Wednesday.
It will provide an overview of some of the key aspects in early years.

We look forward to welcoming group 2 and 3 children next week!


Posted on Monday 06 September 2021 by Mrs Wood

I hope you’ve all had a happy and healthy summer. I’m looking forward to seeing you all and welcoming you into your new classroom.

Below is a list of key points to remember:

  • You will wait with your child in the Reception playground until the classroom door opens at 8:50am.
  • PE will be every Wednesday. Your child should come to school in PE kit every Wednesday. However, PE will not start straight away. We’ll let you know when we’ll be starting PE.
  • The school uniform policy is on our website. Please check if you are unsure about any items of clothing or footwear.

    What does my child need?

  • A waterproof coat
  • A pair of wellies
  • A water bottle
  • A small bag containing a full change of clothes (including a top, trousers/leggings, underwear and socks)
  • A sun hat on sunny days

Please make sure all of the above things are NAMED.

If you have any questions, please ask at the start or end of the day.

See you soon!

Thank you!

Posted on Friday 23 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

I can’t believe it’s the last day of school!

Even though the school year has been a bit of a crazy one, this video highlights what a fantastic year you’ve all had!

I just want to say that I am so proud of all of you and how you’ve persevered with all of your learning both in school and at home.

Thank you to all the F2 children for being such an amazing class!  I sure will miss you next year.
I will make sure I pop my head into your new classroom to see how you’re all getting on.
On the other hand, I am excited to welcome back our F1 children and continue their learning journey in Reception.

Have the best summer Foundation!

Our trip to the park

Posted on Thursday 22 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

Click here to see how much fun we had at the park!

Animal Day

Posted on Tuesday 20 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

Click here to watch some of the highlights from our ‘roarsome’ day.

Health week

Posted on Friday 16 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

We’ve had a happy and healthy week doing lots of fun activities.

Personal Challenges
On Monday, Thursday, and Friday we had a go at 3 challenges: speed bounce, standing long jump, and a stork balance.  The children recorded their scores on their personal challenge cards to see if they managed to beat their previous scores.

Sports day
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to watch.
We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Click here to watch some of the highlights.

Dance workshop
On Tuesday, a lady from Wetherby Arts Festival came to teach Foundation some contemporary dance moves.  Throughout the session, we used our imaginations to create different moves.
At the end of the workshop, we used all the skills we had learnt to create our own simple routines.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4

F2 Parents
Please can all reading books be returned by Wednesday 21 July.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine.

Space, doctors and hot air balloons

Posted on Friday 09 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

Our focus story this week was The Great Balloon Hullabaloo by Peter Bently.
On the carpet, we looked at the solar system and found out lots of new facts. The children have loved learning about space and were eager to find out more information by asking questions. We used Google to help us find out some of the answers.
On Tuesday, we did a space quiz to see if we had remembered all the key facts. The children smashed it and scored 6 out of 6!  
The F2 children used their imaginations to draw and write about what they if they went on an adventure to space.

At the beginning of the week, the creative challenge was to make a hot air balloon. All of the children were fabulous at following instructions and successfully made their very own hot air balloons.
This week, we’ve been at the doctors’ surgery. It’s been super busy all week… at one point the waiting room was full!
Sticking to the space theme, the challenge at the playdough table was to make odd and even aliens.
“My alien is even because it has 4 arms.”
“My alien is odd and even.”
“My alien is odd because it has one leg.”
“My alien is odd because it has 3 legs.”
Home-Link Challenge

  • Your child can come to school in their PE kit all week.
  • Sports day 10.30-11.30 – only 1 parent to attend
  • Please make sure your child brings a sun hat and water bottle to school every day!
  • 16.07.21 – outdoor transition activity for the F2 children.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
If you’re watching the final, I hope you enjoy the game!
Is it too early to say…it’s coming home?


Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

On Thursday morning, we had a hedgehog visit our outdoor area. The children were amazed! We named the hedgehog Harry and watched a  video all about hedgehogs. All-day the children kept looking under the bush until they found… A FAMILY OF HEDGEHOGS!


Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

This afternoon, we did our honesty challenge in collective workshop. The children were asked to hold a glass pebble and think about a time when they haven’t been honest.
We talked about that it can be hard to be honest, although it’s the right thing to do, it can feel very scary so we don’t get it right.

Road safety

Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’ve been learning all about road safety.
Thank you for sending pictures of your local walks. The children loved sharing and talking about the different road signs they found with their peers.

In literacy, we talked about The Green Cross Code and the F2 children created road safety posters. Ask your child if they can remember the green cross code.
Click here to watch us practise crossing the road.

Like every week, there are 6 new challenges for the children to do when learning in the areas of provision. Some of the challenges are planned according to the children’s interests. The two most popular challenges this week were creating puppets in the creative area and writing letters to the Fairy Godmother asking politely for three wishes.


Please remember to apply your child’s suncream before they come to school! Suncream will be reapplied at lunchtime with adult guidance.

Your child needs to bring a named water bottle every day!

Foundation’s sports day – Wednesday 14th July

Home-Link Challenge