Reception Class News

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Posted on Friday 23 December 2022 by Mr Roundtree

What a busy final week of 2022 we have had in reception. We have loved all of the Christmas activities that linked in with our Nativity and the Christmas story.

We made our very own Christmas lunches at the creation table. Using our hands we created different food items and thought carefully about shapes and sizes. Our real Christmas lunch was amazing! we designed table coverings and crowns to make the lunch extra special.


In reception we love our daily poetry sessions. Here is our poem from this week. We hope you enjoy it.


I would like to say huge thank you for all of your support this term. The children are working so hard both in school and at home. It is lovely to see and hear all about home learning.

We hope you all have an amazing Christmas break and enjoy lots of family time together. Thank you to everyone for our lovely Christmas things.

Mrs Payne

Week 6 – The Jolly Christmas Postman

Posted on Friday 09 December 2022 by Mr Roundtree

It has been a busy week in Reception! Our book this week was all about the jolly postman taking special Christmas gifts to everyone. We decided to write our own postcards to send to people we care about.

As part of our creative time we made our own stamps. We thought about why stamps are important and looked at lots of different designs.

We have used our printing skills to make our own pieces of wrapping paper. We used different items to print with including potatoes! We enjoyed counting how many of each shape we had included and also recognising different colours.


On Monday we learnt more about Christingles. We discovered what the different parts of the Christingle represent. We made our own Christingles ready for our church service later in the week.

On Wednesday we had our first visit to church. We had a lovely walk looking for signs of Winter on the way. When we arrived at church we had a look at the building and found a special stable in the corner which reminded us of the Christmas Nativity Story. We all felt that it was a very special service.

We hope that you all enjoyed our Christmas Nativity production “It’s a Party” We have loved learning the songs and working with year 1 and 2 to create a super show. Thank you to everyone for all of your help and support.

Things to remember:

On the 12 December everyone is welcome to come into Reception to see what learning we have been doing this term. Learning Journeys and floor books will be out for everyone to have a look through. We hope you can join us from 3:30.


Week 5 – Owl Babies

Posted on Friday 02 December 2022 by Mr Roundtree

We have seen lots of signs of Winter this week in Reception. We were very excited to find ice in our outdoor area and wondered how it got there.

Our focus story this week has been Owl Babies. We have sequenced the story remembering the repeated phrases. We have enjoyed learning more about nocturnal animals and when and where we might see them. We used different drawing pencils to draw them and even used our phonics to try writing their names.

A big thank you to everyone for working hard at home with phonics. The children are working so hard with their segmenting and blending skills. I am sure you will agree we are all fantastic readers! We have been using these skills outside with our phonics balls. Can you read the word and then send it down the tunnel?

We love outdoor learning in Reception. We enjoy exploring all the different activities and creating our own challenges. In our outside construction we decided to create a roller coaster for the cars! We had to think about how the cars would travel through the tubes.

We are very excited to show everyone our Nativity play next week. Thank you to everyone who has brought in costumes and helped us to learn songs and lines. It is going to be amazing!

Week 4 – How to catch a star

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

In our maths sessions this week we have been investigating the number 5. We have been using part whole models to explore different parts that come together to make a whole. We enjoyed creating 5 in different ways with linking cubes.

Following on from our learning around the Houses of Parliament we looked at some pieces of artwork by Monet. Monet created images of the Houses of Parliament at different points during the day. We really liked how all the colours blended together. We decided to use oil pastels to create our own pieces of inspired artwork.

Thank you to everyone who has brought their outfits in for the FS/KS1 Nativity. Please can all outfits be in school by Monday 28 November.

Mrs Payne

Week 3 – Nursery rhyme week

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

We love nursery rhymes in Reception. This week our learning has linked to lots of different nursery rhymes. We used our measuring skills to make cups of tea for Polly. We built Humpty a new wall that was a little safer than his old one! We then compared the heights of our walls to see which one was the tallest and shortest. We sizzled sausages on our camp fire and even had wriggly teddy beds jumping out of the bed!

Have you ever drawn using charcoal? This week we used charcoal to create our observational drawings of an old suitcase. The suitcase didn’t look like any of our cases we have at home. We looked carefully at the different features and how we might include them in our drawings. We used smudging to add extra effects.

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise awareness of anti bullying week and Children in Need. We had lots of discussions around what bullying is and why it is so important to respect each other and celebrate our differences.

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for our Marvellous Maths session on Thursday. It was fantastic to share our learning with you all. We will be holding more stay and play sessions throughout the year and looking forward to welcoming everyone into Reception.

Christmas is coming!

Posted on Tuesday 22 November 2022 by Miss Kay

Our Christmas performance is fast approaching and we are so excited to perform for everyone! This is a reminder that children, if they have them, need to bring their scripts into school each day. Also, any costumes in named bags need to be in school by Thursday 24th November 2022 and letters for tickets to be returned as soon as possible. These were sent out last week in children’s bags.

Thank you! From the Early Years and Key Stage 1 team.

T2 Week 2

Posted on Sunday 13 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

What a fantastic week we have had in Reception. This week we have been continuing our learning around Guy Fawkes. We used junk modelling to create our own buildings that you might find in London. We discovered that masking tape is a good resource for ripping and sticking objects together. We strengthened our finger muscles creating firework patterns in our coloured water tray.

We made a new friend this week. At lunchtime Mrs Payne and Miss Ward noticed a hedgehog walking around the school playground. We know that hedgehogs are nocturnal creatures and so it should have been sleeping. We carefully put the hedgehog in a box with a water bottle to keep it nice and warm. Miss Ward took the hedgehog to the hedgehog rescue centre. They told us the hedgehog was a girl and needed some medication to get better.

Year 6 came to see us on Monday and had with them lots of different things with poppies on. We were keen to find out more about why people wear poppies at this time of year. We discovered that poppies are a way that some people remember others. We decided that we would like to create our own poppies using different materials.

We are looking forward to welcoming everyone to our marvellous maths session on Thursday. If you haven’t returned your slip yet please bring it into school on Monday.

Thank you to everyone who is reading their e-books everyday. We love reading in Reception so please keep up the great home learning. If you are having any problems logging in etc please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Mrs Payne

Term 2 Week 1

Posted on Friday 04 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome back to Reception!

We hope you all had a lovely half term break and are ready for an exciting term 2 in school.

This week we have been learning more about our local community and all the people that can help us and others. We were excited to meet Olly the owl from WISE and one of our local police officers PC Masters.

Our work on festivals around the world focused on Diwali this week. Diwali is also known as The Festival of Light. We learnt more about how Diwali is celebrated and joined in with the celebrations. We created our own Diva Lamps using dough and decorated them with bright colours.

Quick reminders:

We have two fantastic maths events coming up this month. There will be an early maths zoom session on Monday 14 November at 6pm. Zoom details will be emailed out to everyone shortly. We also have our marvellous maths session. This is a great opportunity for you to come into class and see a live maths session. This will be on Thursday 17 November 9 – 9:30.

Thank you for all parents/carers who are helping us with our e-books. We would like all children to be reading everyday. If you have any problems logging in please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Payne

Me and My Community

Posted on Thursday 03 November 2022 by Miss Kay

Today, in Reception and Key Stage 1, we had a special visit from Wetherby in Bloom. They are a charity who make Wetherby a nice place to live and visit by planting beautiful, colourful flowers around the town. After we had discussed how the charity supports our community, we had the opportunity to plant our own daffodil bulbs. These will bloom in Spring!


Week 7

Posted on Thursday 20 October 2022 by Mr Roundtree

Hello everyone! I can’t believe we are coming to the end of our first term at school. As always we have had a busy week in Reception.

This week we have been been learning more about Henri Matisse. We have learnt about his life and his amazing artwork. We used our sequencing skills to re tell the story of his life and even had a try at creating our own piece of Matisse inspired artwork!

We were so inspired by the different colours we saw in the different pieces of artwork we decided to create some leaves using watercolours. We used our scissor skills to cut out the leaves and then carefully mixed the paint with water and watched how the different colours were made.

Our PE lesson was very colourful this week. We took advantage of the lovely Autumn weather and went outside to do some ribbon dancing. We loved making different movement shapes with our bodies and the ribbons.

A big thank you to everyone for reading our e-books. We hope you are enjoying the stories.

I hope you all have a safe, happy half term break and look forward to seeing you in November!

Mrs Payne