Our new spellings for the next two weeks will be:
of, once, one, our, pull, push, put, said, saw, says.
Why not try our super spelling strategy?
Friday 07 October 2022
There have been two sets of spellings handed out this week. Your child will have been given the correct spellings for them to learn.
This week, our spellings focus on dropping the y for i when adding ed and keeping the y for ing. Make sure you spot the different suffix, too!
worry – worried
carry – carried
happy – happiness
ugly – ugliness
creepy – creepiest
funny – funniest
sorry – sorriest
reply – replying
copy – copying
marry – marrying
This week, our spellings focus on words we sometimes spell incorrectly in our writing:
Science: What’s living in our school grounds?
Check out how we got on in our science lesson…
Awesome biology learning from Jacob, Murielle, Liam and Ralph – super scientists!
TT Rockstars
Just a reminder to practice our times tables as often as possible. We have a weekly focus, this week it will be 2s,5s and 10s.
TT Rockstars is a really fun way of doing this! I have set the year 3 pupils accounts to our weekly times tables focus, so it will be easier to access.
Your child’s login will be stuck inside their reading record. If you need this again please just ask!
Microhabitat hunters
In our science lessons, we have been learning all about living things and their habitats.
We went on a microhabitat hunt around our school to see if we could find any microhabitats and who or what was living there. We found many creepy crawlies hiding under a log including woodlouse, centepedes and worms.
Watch us while we work
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who joined us this morning to watch us while we work. It was an opportunity to watch some learning in maths and reading and hopefully pick up a few strategies that can be used at home. Here are a few feedback comments from parents this morning:
“The children sat, listened and interacted well. It was lovely to see what they are like in class.”
“Great to see what happens in class. Really enjoyed it.”
“It was nice to see the classroom and teaching strategies.”
“Lovely being in class. Teacher had them engaged at all times. Good to see English and maths.”
“Great to see different ways we can help at home……different ways to practise times tables and retrieval in reading.”
30th September 2022 spellings
Next week, we will be focusing on double consonant words:
– appear
– different
– shop/ed/ing
– trapped
– happening
– opposite
– arrive
Latin: Salvette Omnes! Hello Everyone!
Year 4 are enjoying learning Latin and it is a brilliant way to support their literacy skills. The children have been exploring connections between Latin and English grammar and vocabulary.
Meet Minimus!
In our last lesson, the children learnt how to say “I am” in Latin and found out more about the family who live at Vindolanda.
In pairs, the class had a go at acting out the story in Latin. One person was Minimus and the other was the person he was talking to.
Act out the comic strip with your child. Can they tell you the meaning of the phrase Quis es?
Can you think of English words that come from the Latin words “mater” and “pater”?
Writing – The Great Fire of London
We have been enjoying learning all about The Great Fire of London. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
We loved imagining what it would have been like to have been alive during the Great Fire of London. We used the senses word mat to think about what we would have heard, seen, smelt and touched.
When writing, we turned the lights off in our classroom and listened to a roaring fire to get a feel of the sounds we might have heard from the burning fire.
Afterwards, we thought about how we would use our senses words within a sentence.
“I would hear people shouting and dogs barking,” said Joshua.
“I would get all my things from my room and run outside,” said Jack.
“I would feel sweaty and hot,” said Florence.
“The houses burnt because they were made from wood and were dry from the hot summer,” said Lily.
“They made a firebreak to stop the fire spreading,” said Cameron.
We thought about how we know all the information we do about the Great Fire of London because Thomas Farriner isn’t alive today to say if it was or wasn’t his bakery on Pudding Lane where the fire started. We looked at old newspaper clippings, pictures, maps and diary entries. We have particularly focused on Samuel Pepys diary. All of these artefacts tell us information about what it was like and what people did.
Ask your child to tell you three facts about the Great Fire of London.
Summer smile competition
Before the Summer holiday, we asked you to look out for smiles in your surroundings or even create a smile. Thank you to everyone who sent in photographs of their smiles. Today, we looked at the photos in collective worship and the pictures certainly made everyone smile and laugh. The prize for the overall winners went to Cameron in Year 1 and Emily in Year 2 for their variety of smiling examples- congratulations!
Take a look at some of the fabulous entries!