Community Green Group visit
This week, we have been lucky to have lots of visits into school for our Community Week. The children have enjoyed having different visitors in school and learning about all the things that go on in our community.
This week, we enjoyed a visit from Wetherby and Boston Spa Community Green Group. The children learned all about how the group helps preserve the environment and help the local wildlife. We talked about how the children could help the environment: recycling, turning lights off, or eating less meat, and how we could help the local wildlife: by creating bug hotels, hedgehog highways, or planting bee-friendly flowers.
We finished by looking at the “8 to be great” promise. Can you promise to be any of the 8 to be great?
Me and My Community
Today, in Reception and Key Stage 1, we had a special visit from Wetherby in Bloom. They are a charity who make Wetherby a nice place to live and visit by planting beautiful, colourful flowers around the town. After we had discussed how the charity supports our community, we had the opportunity to plant our own daffodil bulbs. These will bloom in Spring!
Me and My Community
Today, in Key Stage 1, we had a special visit from a PCSO (Police Community Support Officer). We talked about what a PCSO does as part of their job and their responsibilities within our community. The PCSO has an important job in schools too – working with children to help them make the right choices.
Community Week: The Mayor of Wetherby
To kick start our community themed week, we welcomed the Mayor of Wetherby into school. Councillor Neil O’Byrne was elected as Mayor and he’s is in his third term of office.
The children listened to the Mayor as he explained his role in the community. Following this, the classes were able to ask questions.
Do you get paid?
Who voted for you and was it fair?
Do the people of Wetherby vote?
Why do you wear the chains around your neck?
Have you made a difference to the people and town of Wetherby?
Was there an election?
Don’t forget, the Mayor will be lighting the Wetherby bonfire on Saturday!
Me and My Community: Identity
This week, in Living and Learning, we have a special themed week. We are thinking about ‘Me and My Community’. Today, we have explored our identity and thought about what makes us unique and special.
Happy Half Term!
Thanks to all Year 5/6 pupils for their hard work and positive attitudes during the first half term – everyone has started off really well! Thanks also to all parents that came to the parent/teacher appointments – you were all extremely supportive and I am very grateful for that.
Moving into the next half term, I am hoping to continue the progress Year 5 and 6 have already made – well done, everyone!
Mr Freeman
Well done…
…to all those children who put themselves in the running for the new Junior Leadership Team. It can be disappointing if you put yourself forward and you weren’t elected but it was great to see everyone being so positive and cheering and congratulating our new class ambassadors.
Good luck to the new Year 4 Junior Leadership Team: Kamile and Umar!
Junior Leadership Elections 2022-23
This week, we held an election for the new Junior Leadership Team – the JLT. Children had the chance to give a speech in their class and to say why they’d be a great ambassador for our school.
There are two representatives from each class and they will attend regular meetings to help senior leaders to make decisions.
It was incredible to see that the majority of the school had given a speech to their classmates in the hopes of becoming the next junior leaders!
Today, the new JLT was revealed with an exciting balloon pop… The outgoing JLT each had a balloon popped to reveal the name of the new JLT inside. Check out who was voted in…
Year 6 – Harley & Daisy
Year 5 – Emilija & Eliza
Year 4 – Umar & Kamile
Year 3 – Polina & Christian
Year 2 – Emily & Shae
Year 1 – Freddie & Max
A huge well done to everyone who put themselves in the running! We hope those children who weren’t elected this time will have a another go next year!
Good luck to the JLT of 2022-23! Be sure to check back soon to see them decide our new school charity!
Happy Half Term Year 3!
I want to say well done to all of Year 3 for a brilliant start to the year!
I hope you all have a fantastic and relaxing half term break.
Congratulations to the first member of year 3 to go up on “The Wall of Stars,” due to collecting the most raffle tickets over the past seven weeks!
Fantastic first half term!
Firstly, I would just like to say a massive well done to all of our nursery children this half term, you have all settled in amazingly and I am so proud.
This week we have focused our learning based on one of our favourite books ‘Room on the broom’ by Julia Donaldson.
The children have enjoyed reading and role playing the story in our book corner, repeating key phrases from the story.
Deacon- ‘It’s a witch, she has long hair’
Cora-‘witch and chips for tea’
Gracie- ‘she shouts DOWN! when she loses something off her broomstick’
We have explored all of our senses this week, diving into pumpkin madness. The children really enjoyed getting hands on and messy. We have saved some of our pumpkin seeds to plant in our garden next year.
Here is a link to watch Room on the broom with your child at home. Throughout the video pause and ask your child what they think might happen next?
Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off auto play – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.
Here are some more photos of our learning this week!
Reminder– Monday 31 October is an inset day for staff training.
I hope everybody has a lovely happy and healthy half term and we look forward to seeing you back on Tuesday 1 November.
Miss Ward