06 November 2020
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. Complete the sheet and send a picture of it to stjamesy3y4@spherefederation.org by Thursday 12 November.
Times tables
If you want some quick fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.
06 November 2020
This week’s homework is creative.
I can show how to multiply numbers.
We’ve been learning how to multiply 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. To remind yourself of the methods we use then go to our calculations and times tables page on our website or click here.
Can you show your understanding in a creative way?
- Create a poster
- Write some instructions with examples
- Write maths story with the calculations
- Make a video to show how to multiply
- Powerpoint
Or any other creative idea!
06 November 2020
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect.
Choose a poem. Copy it into your homework book. Try to read the poem every day to learn it by heart. If you want to, you will be able to perform your poem to the class.
Here are some ideas:
16 October 2020
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect.
In maths, we’ve been learning about multiples.
Complete this sheet finding the common multiples.
Extra challenge: complete this diamond maths activity where you need to think about multiplication and addition.
16 October 2020
This week’s homework is practice makes perfect. Complete the sheet and send a picture of it to stjamesy3y4@spherefederation.org
Year 3 – we have been looking at adding and subtracting a 1 digit number to/ from a 3 digit number. Remember, if you know 3+4=7 then you also know that 353+4=357.
Year 4 – we have been adding two 3 digit numbers. Be careful when you’re adding, and the total is more than 10, that you carry over the 10s or 100s to the correct place.
Times tables
If you want some quick-fire practise, head to https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button . Use the sheet to practise the times table you’ve been given.
16 October 2020
This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Thursday 22 October.
As we are reaching the end of the half term, we wanted to use this opportunity to see how much you’ve learned during our Science unit:
I can share what I’ve learned during ‘Living things and their habitats’.
Here a couple of ideas that might help you to get started:
- a poster with animals in one particular habitat or animals in different habitats
- a collage of photographs that you take in some habitats near you
- tell a story about some animals in their habitat on a comic strip
- search for a template online or create your own
- a series of food chains with arrows to show the transfer of energy
Send your work into your class teacher.
09 October 2020
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.
09 October 2020
I can share my views about health
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.
09 October 2020
I can share my views about health
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.
02 October 2020
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Thursday 08 October
This half term, our Christian value is friendship. Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations, which leave us in a moral dilemma. Talk to somebody about the examples below.
What you would do in the same situation? Why are these moral dilemmas?
- You see your friend cheating in a maths test.
- Your friends are in a club with you at school. A new child joins the class but they won’t let them join the club.
- Someone is saying unkind things about your friend behind their back.
- Your parents have asked you to come straight home after school. Your friends want you to go to the park with them. They say that you should go to the park.
Talk to somebody and make notes so you are ready to feedback in our homework review on Thursday 08 October.
There’s an old saying that goes, “In order to have good friends, you have to be a good friend.” What does that mean? Do you think it’s true? Why? What are the benefits of having friends who are different from us?
Email your thoughts and ideas to Miss Beatson
( nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org )