
17 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 16 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Well, it’s here! The last day of term for 2019-20. We hope you are all safe, happy and healthy. Enjoy the summer holidays and we will see each other again soon.

Maths – position and direction

Today watch the BBC bitesize video and complete the activities.



It can be sad saying goodbye. Sometimes it helps to write it down.

Write a farewell letter to someone. It could be your teacher, a friend or anyone you like.

You need to include:

Dear …

What you enjoyed doing with them.

Who it is from.

Topic – staying safe online

Make your own poster about staying safe online.


15 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 15 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

We’re nearly there! It’s felt like a long haul flight and we are ready to land for the summer. You’ve all been amazing with how you’ve coped with staying at home and completing learning in a different way. Thank you to all of you who have sent in your learning throughout the time you’ve been at home. Luckily we have most of our Year 6 children in school but I wanted to say how proud I am of the Year 6 pupils and how much I’ve enjoyed teaching you over the past two years. Everyone at St James’ will miss you and we wish you all the best for your future. Year 5- I can’t wait to have you all back in September as the Year 6 role models!

Year 6: watch this video from a headteacher called Mr Burton, who became well-know in a TV series called Educating Yorkshire. He gives some great tips on starting secondary school.

After you watch the video, make some notes about what you’re looking forward to about starting high school and any worries or questions you have. You could then discuss these with an adult at home.

Year 5: make a list of what you’re looking forward to about being in Year 6. Then think of any questions you have and email them into me at nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org

16 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 15 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Maths – symmetry


Use a mirror (if you have one – don’t worry if not) to look round your house for any line of symmetry. Think about what shapes could be folded in half without any overlap. Would each half be a mirror image of itself? eg a window, a table. Take photos, draw them or write a list.


Draw a butterfly. Complete the pattern on one half first and then try to copy the pattern on the other half to create a symmetrical pattern.


Read the farewell letters from Miss Harker.

Dear 1,2

You will always hold a special place in my heart because you are my first class. I cannot believe that we will not get to say a proper goodbye to each other. It’s time to enjoy the summer holidays! I’m looking forward to seeing you all when we return to school.

Love Miss Harker

Topic – staying safe online

Read the poster all about staying safe online.

15 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

Hi everyone

We hope you’re all OK. We’re almost at the end of the school year now – it’s certainly been one to remember. We’d love to hear your views about this year. Finish these sentences and send them, by email, to your class teacher:

  • I feel I improved the most in…
  • Something important that I learned this year was…
  • My favourite subject this year has been…
  • What I enjoyed learning the most this year was…
  • Something I’m proud of accomplishing is…
  • Something I’ve learned about myself is…
  • Something I will miss is…
  • I will never forget this year because…

At this time of year, we would be talking in school about moving to new classes and celebrating our end of year. But we haven’t managed to do that this year. If you’re feeling a little worries or concerned about moving year groups you can use these tools to help manage your emotions.

6 Tips For Managing Your Emotions - Thriving Marriages

15 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Maths : time

Think about how long it takes you to do an activity.

Look at the clock when you start and when you finish and work out how much time has gone past. Which activities take the longest amount of time? What activities are quick? Record some of your activities and how long they take in your home learning book.

How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute? Use this to estimate how many you could do in 10 minutes!

Think about what time you do certain activities during the day. What time do you have lunch, go to bed, watch the television? You could make a diary of your day.

Practice reading both analogue and digital clocks.


Read the different ways of saying goodbye in different languages. Can you find any more?

Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 3 – Playing games


Talk about how to stay safe when playing games online.


15 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Happy Wednesday – you’ve two more get-ups until the summer holidays. Are you ready to be year 4s and year 5s?


School trip

Today, we’re leaving London and heading up to Scotland’s capital city: Edinburgh. We’re going to visit Edinburgh Zoo and have a look at their animal webcams to see what the animals are up to.

Our focus for today is reading. There are three reading comprehensions for you to choose from with varying abilities. 1 star being the easiest and 3 star being the hardest.

1 star – learn all about tigers.

2 star – learn all about koalas.

3 star  – learn all about elephants.


Living and Learning

Normally in school, we would be talking a lot about transition and moving up into a new year group. Half of you stay with your current teacher whilst the other half experience a new teacher.

Today, I would like you to develop a character profile of your superhero self, listing five superhero qualities and writing a unique fact about yourselves. As an extension, you can create a basic comic strip of your superhero self, describing your superhero qualities in basic story format.

If you would like a template to follow, there is one here.

This will be useful to show either Mrs Welsby and I, if you’re in year 3 currently, or Miss Beatson, if you’re in year 4 currently. Either save them for September or ask your grownup to email a copy to beckyrowley@spherefederation.org.


14 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

How was the National History Museum yesterday? Did you enjoy it? I loved the dinosaur that is suspended in the centre of the museum. It looks huge!


School trip

Today, we’re staying in London but heading to The National Gallery’s Rooms and Galleries. Follow this link to their virtual tours to have a look around one of (or all three if you wish) their galleries. Your task for today is an art based task – choose your favourite picture and have a go at recreating it. You can choose to use pencils, felt tips or paint- whatever you have to hand at home. Send some pictures in of your fantastic artwork to beckyrowley@spherefederation.org .



Did you work out who the murderer at the movies was? Here are the answers for you to check.

Crime seems to be following you around, Year 3 and 4! Pinebridge Village prides itself on how beautifully kept the lawns and gardens are; especially
the lovely hanging baskets which adorn the many lamp posts throughout the village. Each spring, the mayor of the local town visits Pinebridge and praises the residents for the beauty of the many flowers and blossom trees.
However, a crime has been committed!

The day before the mayor’s visit, it has been discovered that all the hanging baskets along the High Street have been knocked down and the lovely flowers kicked along the pavements! As Chief Inspector, it is your job to make sure your team finds out who has vandalised the hanging baskets and bring them to justice.

The descriptions of people in the area were taken. Use their descriptions, solve the clues, and identify the scoundrel vandal!

14 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Odd and even numbers investigation

  • Write a number line from 1-20. Circle all the odd numbers in one colour and all the even numbers in another colour.
  • Count in 2s. Are the numbers odd or even? Describe the pattern.
  • Count in 5s. Are the numbers odd or even? Describe the pattern.
  • Add two even numbers. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?
  • Add two odd numbers. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?
  • Add an odd and an even number. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?


Read (or sing) the lyrics of the song again.

Look for these words in the song :

farewell (a way of saying goodbye)

glad (feeling happy)

clanging (a loud banging sound)

absurd (crazy, unbelievable)

regretfully (being sorry about something)

firmly (not changing your mind, being strict)

Challenge : Write each word in a sentence or when you are talking to someone.

Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 2 – Sharing Pictures


Talk about the message in the video.

14 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

Good morning!

Usually at this time of year, we would have been busy going on school trips. Unfortunately, we are unable to do this right now.

Have a look at this website where you can go on a virtual trip.

Then do one of the follow up activities suggested. Here are just a few:

  • Carry out a research project on a chosen place.
  • Create an information brochure for the place you have visited.
  • Write a recount describing your visit.
  • Create a poster advertising the place.
  • Write a review of your visit and give it a rating out of 5. What did you like/dislike? What was your favourite part? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why?
  • Create a quiz about the place you have visited. You could use Microsoft Forms, Google Forms, or just do this on paper.

13 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

Welcome to the final week of the school year- what a different year it has been!

Usually in the final week, we would be doing lots of transition activities to prepare you for the next school year. So, the home learning this week will focus on this rather than the set home learning we’ve been doing throughout the COVID-19 situation.

Today, I would like you to watch this clip and read the notes on how to draw a self-portrait. I also like this idea where you use the full length of the paper to draw half a portrait. Play around and get creative with your self- portrait!

Underneath your portrait, write a caption all about yourself.

Please email me your final drawings: nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org