02 June 2020: Home Learning
Today’s learning……
Year 5 maths: volume
Log in to TT Rockstars and see if you can improve your speed!
Your learning today is about volume. You will be investigating cubed numbers.
Just like yesterday, there is a little quiz to get you started.
Click on the following link for this lesson.
Year 6 maths: problem solving
Complete this challenge.
Reading: RIC
Today task follows on from yesterday, using jobs and money as our learning area. Complete today’s retrieval and inference questions using this picture provided.
Challenge: Using your dream job (you can use what you wrote in yesterday’s task). Can you answer the same questions about your chosen job?
Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.
02 June 2020: Home learning
Happy Tuesday! We hope you had a good day yesterday and are raring to go. Why not start your day with a Joe Wicks workout to wake up your body and mind?
Maths: Yesterday’s answers.
Y3 Maths: We are recapping on fractions. Today’s video lesson is led by Mrs McCormick from Scholes. Activity sheet.
Y4 Maths: Today’s video lesson, led by Mrs Alloway from Scholes, is continuing with multiplication.
Reading: Yesterday’s answers. Today’s task is to watch this video about Peter Pan and answer the questions.
Geography: Video learning. Go to the BBC Bitesize weblink with Sue Venir for the activities.
02 June 2020 : Home learning
Morning everyone. Here are your tasks for today.
Add these numbers together. Look for pairs of number that make 10 first, then add the third number. Remember, addition is commutative so you can add the numbers in any order.
Challenge : Add the three multiples of 10 – look for the pair that makes 100 to make it easier.
Re-read text about sunflowers from yesterday. Answer the questions below.
Topic – Science
Watch the BBC Bitesize video about the different parts of a plant : https://youtu.be/bLhTgTwbYMI
Challenge : Have a go drawing and labelling the different parts of a plant.
01 June 2020 : Home learning
Our home-learning posts will be continuing but KS1 staff are in school full-time now, so the amount of teacher videos will be less.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : book look moon fool car start sort torch
Y2 : table apple bottle little middle fiddle beetle wobble muddle ankle
Times tables : If you ready, start learning x6 (link to x3) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
Maths – addition
Watch the video about adding three single digit numbers : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYht6Rpb0V
Challenge : Make/get a set of number cards 0-9 (just write numbers on scraps of paper or you could use playing cards). Turn them over so you can’t see the numbers. Choose 3 cards. Add them together. You could draw part whole models, a number line or bar models to help, if you need. Remember that addition is commutative (can be done in any order) so look for the first pair of numbers that you can add together easily to begin with.
This week we will be reading a non-fiction (information) text – all about sunflowers. Watch the video, read and discuss the features of non-fiction text : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhtXtpbua
Topic – Art/design technology
Have a go at drawing or making a plant. There is a drawing video here : https://youtu.be/i_pQWFkZJrc or have a look at the ideas below.
01 June 2020: Home Learning
Welcome back to the final half term of this year. I hope you all enjoyed some sunshine and fresh air over the half term break. St James’ is open for some children from today, but I hope we can all be back in school together again very soon- as long as it’s safe! In the meantime, please stay in touch with me by sending me some pictures or messages to my email: nataliebeatson@spherefederation.org
Today’s learning……
Year 5 maths: volume
Your learning today is about volume. This will involve reading scales to measure volume. As usual there is a short quiz first and then the video lesson. Remember you can pause the video whenever you like, or skip it back in case you need something repeating.
Click on the following link for this lesson.
Year 6 maths: problem solving
Complete this nrich problem ‘Reach 100’!
Send in your solutions!
Today, we are going to focus on jobs and money. For today’s task, complete the jobs worksheet – this will help you develop ideas that you can use later on in the week. Here are some questions to help you.
Although this task will significantly help you later in the week, it is not particularly a reading task! On top of this, I would like you to research and read about your dream job. Create a list of requirements you would need for this job, along with some reasons as to why you think people might want to do it as a career choice.
Writing: synonyms and antonyms
Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.
01 June 2020: Home learning
Welcome back to our final half term of the school year. We hope you have been able to enjoy the lovely sunshine that we’ve had over the half term break and that you are now ready for some new home learning activities.
Remember to keep up with your daily reading, spelling and times tables practice, too!
A reminder of our email addresses so that you can send in your awesome work or ask questions.
beckyrowley@spherefederation.org and kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org
Maths: Y3 and Y4: Today we are going to practise calculating times tables problems. Follow the link for two videos. Then complete activity 1 worksheet. You may also want to play activity 2 game Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica.
Reading: We are focusing on inference this week. Today’s video learning and task.
Music: Beatbox. What a fabulous skill to learn or can you already beatbox? This lesson shows you how to use your voice and mouth to create a percussion sound. Why not send us a video of your musical efforts?
Spellings: This week we are revising the long u vowel sound.
Half-term Home Learning
Because this week is half-term, we’re taking a break from the usual daily home learning tasks (just like we did at Easter). Instead, we’ve prepared a menu of home learning activities that you might want to dip into this week – these are optional only, but you might want to encourage your child to have a go at being a quiz master, doing some up-cycling, presenting a cookery masterclass or any of the other activities.
Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a happy and healthy half-term.
22 May 2020: Home Learning
It’s the end of the week and I hope you’ve all had a good one. I’ve been into Scholes (Elmet) Primary School again this week and I’ve been very busy organising the re-opening of St James’ for some children. What have you been getting up to?
Next week it’s half term holiday, so home learning will look different. You will have a menu of activities to choose from, if you wish, rather than the three tasks each day.
Today’s learning…….
Y5 maths: family challenge
Y6 maths: family challenge
Reading: Comparing texts
Music: be a composer
Follow this BBC Bitesize music lesson.
22 May 2020: Home learning
Happy Friday – it’s half term. Well done for completing another half term of home learning. We’ve loved seeing all of your learning and hearing how you’re getting on. Keep sending us emails – we will still be checking them over half term so let us know what fun activities you’re getting up to, too.
It’s challenge Friday! Head over to BBC bitesize for today’s challenges. Yr3 – here are the answers to yesterday’s learning. Yr4 – here are the answers to yesterday’s learning.
Today is a love of reading session. We know that you love this reading session at school so your task today is to grab a book, find a comfortable spot and read! Have fun and enjoy reading. Share your book with a sibling or an adult if you’d like to.
Each week in school, we say the Lord’s Prayer. Today in RE, you have a task to learn more about the Lord’s Prayer and understand its meaning.
Here is the next installment of ‘A chicken gave it to me’. Keep an eye out on our class news page next week for the last few chapters.
22 May 2020 : Home learning
Happy Friday everyone!
Watch the BBC Bitesize clip about capacity : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zt9k7ty/articles/zp8crdm
Complete the questions at the end too.
Challenge :
Extra challenge : Get a small container (cup, spoon, small bowl) and see how many it will take to fill a bigger container (bucket, bowl, jug). Can you estimate how many you will need to fill the bigger container before you do it?
Today’s reading lesson is a recap of phonic knowledge. You can challenge yourself to attempt one or more of the tasks set too : https://bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zd63xyc/articles/zncgvk7
Click in the link and play the simple sounds mini game. Pick 6 sounds covered in the game. Go on a hunt to find objects that begin with those sounds. Write them in a list and put them into sentences.
Topic – Art (texture)
Look around your house or garden for some different textures. Try to make some rubbings by putting a piece of paper and use the side of a crayon, pencil or chalk to pick up the texture.
If you can, try doing some rubbings of things outside (eg path, bark, leaves, fence, wall).