
Home learning: 07 July 2020

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning!


Have you ever fancied being a detective? Every time you infer something that you have read, you are being a reading detective. Today, your reading task is a “Whodunnit” story. Whodunnits are a story where the reader acts as a detective to find clues and solve the crime. When you have read the text, you need to complete a deductions sheet much like a real detective. You’ll need to think carefully about each of the suspect’s alibis. Finally, bring all of the clues together to make a deduction about who committed the crime. I’ll post the answers tomorrow.

Again, there are three different possibly challenge levels. Choose the challenge that you think is right for you.

1 star – story and deductions page.

2 star – story and deductions page.

3 star – story and deductions page.



Today, we are continuing our learning about mass here with Oak National Academy. In this lesson, we will begin to add and subtract mass, including regrouping the values. We will use the partitioning strategy as a process to add or subtract the mixed-units (kg and g).



Have a look at Mrs Latham’s post all about PE under the homework page- it’s West Yorkshire’s School Games Virtual Sports Day.


07 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

Today is Virtual sports day! Have a go at some of the activities posted by Mrs Latham.

Today’s learning……

Year 5/6 maths

Your learning for today is about rounding decimals.


Have a go at this BBC Bitesize lesson to improve your knowledge of how to understand texts and unfamiliar words.


PE: virtual sports day

07 July 2020 : Whole school home learning (Let’s get sporty!)

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Whole school sporting activities

Sadly, our favourite events of the year – sports days – cannot take place in it’s normal format this year. However, the next best thing is to take part in a virtual sports day and we’re excited to be joining the West Yorkshire Virtual School Games Sports Day on Tuesday 7th July. The day will involve the children taking part in multiple activities with the chance to compete against other schools across the county. There will be a number of prizes on offer too.
What do you need to do?
Have a look at the guidance for parents/carers to help you prepare for the day.
When does it take place?
There is a live opening ceremony shown here at 10am on Tuesday 07 July and the activities can be completed at any point in the day.
Is this just for children who are back at school?
No – the activities can be done by children at school and at home. The sports day will be one of your child’s home learning activities on the day.
What are the activities?
The parent guide gives details of all the activities and instructions will also be given on the video released on the day.
Do children have to complete all the activities?
We would encourage the children to have a go at as many as they can but they don’t have to complete them all.
How do we submit results?
This is the link to submit results (live from 10am on 07 July up till 12pm on the 08 July). All children’s results will be added to their school score.
We would love to see the virtual sports day in action so please share any photos of your children taking part and good luck to everyone!

07 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Enjoy our virtual sports day today!


Subtract the 2 digit numbers from the 2 digit numbers. Show your answer by drawing tens and ones, part wholes, bar models or number lines. are there any you can do without drawing, using what you know about subtraction?

73 – 20 =

88 – 44 =

51 – 11=

69 – 27 =

85 – 22 =

25 – 14 =

36 – 12  =

42 – 10 =

19 – 18 =

94 – 53 =


Watch the video about the Sports Day non-fiction text : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1vog5FJH


06 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

We’re getting sporty this week! We would’ve had our school sports day by now so we thought some sporty challenges this week would be good. There is also a ‘virtual school sports day’ that West Yorkshire School Games have organised.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : take, late, gaze, flake, came, chase, even, delete

Y2 : copy, copied, copier, happy, happier, happiest, happiness, cry, crying, cried

Times tables : Choose any times tables and division facts that you want to work on.


Watch the slideshow about subtracting 2 two digit numbers : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1voY5FEG

Subtract the 2 digit numbers from the 2 digit numbers. Represent the greatest number as tens and ones and then cross out the number that you are subtracting.

53 – 21 =

48 – 15 =

67 – 32 =

39 – 12 =

85 – 24 =


Read the text about Sports Day.

Find the key vocabulary : Sports Day, May, June, July (there are all proper nouns so begin with a capital letter). Watch the video about proper nouns : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpd8ng8

Challlenge : Think of, find or write some more proper nouns. Remember they all need a capital letter.


Personal best challenge :  Choose a skill or activity that you will work on every day and try to improve your personal best. Do the activity for one minute and count how many times you can do it in that time. It could be skips, star jumps, squats or anything you choose.

06 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

This is now the penultimate week before the summer holidays. I hope you’re all keeping happy, healthy and safe.

Today’s learning…..

Year 5/6 maths

We will be continuing to look at fractions this week, but we will also be introducing the idea of decimals.

Your learning for today is about decimals as fractions.


Read this article from First News and answer the comprehension questions.

Design Technology

Your learning today is design technology. Complete this video lesson from BBC Bitesize.


Home Learning: 06 July 2020

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning, Year 3 and 4. Are you ready for another week of home learning?

Here is your learning for today.


Head to Oak National Academy to learn all about measures. In this lesson, we will use our knowledge of reading scales and our understanding of mass to compare and order different values.



Have you ever seen the film “How to train your dragon?” well today, your reading task is a comprehension task all about training dragons? I wonder if they have the same ideas.

There are three options for this task. You can choose the challenge you want to do. 1 star = easier. 2 star = medium. 3 star = harder. Don’t be too easy on yourself – give yourself a challenge!



Today, head to Oak National Academy to learn more about plants. In this lesson, we will learn about how plants transport water internally and watch this in an experiment.

Home learning: 03 July 2020

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning, Year 3 and 4!

It’s Friday! Hope you’ve all had a happy, healthy, and successful week.


How did you find yesterday’s challenge to send questions in? Thank you to Evie for her super questions. Can you answer them?

  1. Who introduced social distancing?
  2. What will social distancing do?
  3. How do Myra and Jagrati kept in touch with their grandparents?
  4. At school are there more or less pupils?
  5. Why do you think Myra and Jagrati put on the play?
  6. What three things have the government asked people to do?

For today’s reading session it is Love of reading.
In class, we’d usually have a Love of Reading session each week where we read something
that we love. Adults use the time to read with children.
Today, I’d like you to…
● Get really comfy: wear some thick socks, a dressing gown or wooly jumper. Sit somewhere soft and relaxing.
● Turn all electronic devices off: TVs, radios, computers, phones, tablets, etc.
● Spend some quality time reading with each other. Read aloud, take it in turns, put on voices for characters, re-read things to improve how you’re reading them.
● Talk about what you’re reading. Which are the best bits? Why? Does it remind you of other things you’ve read or watched? Do you know anything about parts of it from other knowledge that you have? What do you think of the characters? What will happen next? Why do you think that?



It’s challenge Friday! Head over to BBC Bitesize for today’s maths challenge.


Living and Learning: I can make healthy choices

This week, our living and learning statement has been all about making healthy choices. It is often easier to make healthy choices with our food and our body – we know to eat healthily and to exercise but what about a healthy mind? That is just as important!

Today, we’re thinking about keeping our minds healthy. Follow some of the links below and have a go at some activities.

Calm Zone 


Yoga video

03 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Year 1 : Watch the lesson from Oak Academy reviewing subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-subtract-two-digit-numbers-and-ones/activities/2


Year 2 : Watch the video from Oak Academy for some more challenging Year 2 subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-apply-subtraction-strategies-to-solve-equations/activities/2

Challenge : Have a go at some more subtractions.


Choose a sound from the orange sound mat (Phase 3). Have a look in magazines or newspapers for any words that have that sound in them. You could make a poster with the words or write the words in a list.



Have a go at the animal sound bingo game : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucuXAYMYttc&authuser=1

Challenge : Make your own sound/listening bingo game.

03 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Miss Beatson

Happy Friday!

Final learning of the week……….

Year 5 and 6 maths

Your learning for today is about fractions of amounts.

Fractions of amounts


It’s Friday and today I would like you to chill, relax and enjoy reading. It could be your own book, magazine, online article or anything else you find interesting to read.

Can you summarise (in writing or verbally) to someone in your household what you’ve read today?


Follow this BBC Bitesize lessons all about evolution.