Class News

Spellings term 2.2

Posted on Friday 01 March 2024 by Mr Freeman

Times Tables

Posted on Friday 01 March 2024 by Mr Nash

This week in Year 2, we’ve started learning our times tables. We’ve been focusing on 10s, 5s and 2s. The children have enjoyed using manipulatives to show me what they know.

When times are hard… use base ten!

Help at home by practising counting forwards and backwards in 10s, 5s and 2s. Login details for Times Tables Rock Stars accompany this week’s homework – use this in regular short bursts to consolidate times tables knowledge.

Living and Learning: Being similar and being different

Posted on Thursday 29 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

During our Living and Learning lesson, we thought about how we are all similar and how we are all different.

To help us to understand differences we enjoyed the story of Elmer the Elephant.

Though he might Elmer: 30th Anniversary Edition: 1 (Elmer Picture Books):  McKee, David: 9781842707319: Bookstemporarily want to be just like all the other grey elephants, Elmer realises that being his own colourful self is far more enjoyable – and everyone loves him, just the way he is.
It’s OK to be different.
I like being me.
There is no one else like me. I am special!
What is the moral of Elmer the Elephant?
Elmer the Elephant teaches us that everyone is unique and has something that sets them apart from everyone else, and that there’s no point in trying to hide or disguise this. We should embrace our differences and always be true to who we are.
Teacher's Pet » Elmer Poster - It's OK to be different
The children recreated their own version of Elmer and each one is DIFFERENT!
Help at home by chatting to your child about uniqueness. We are creating our own large Elmer in the classroom and your child can add details about themselves to a template of an elephant.
Printable Elmer The Elephant Template - Printable Templates Free
This can be images of hobbies, a self portrait or whatever they feel makes them who they are.
Please return the finished elephants to school so they can be added to the large template.

Non-fiction Navigators

Posted on Wednesday 28 February 2024 by Mr Nash

We are very lucky at St James’ to have an expansive collection of books to enjoy. Every term, we receive several boxes of brilliant books from Leeds School Library Service. They are all carefully selected to support our curriculum.

In Year 2, we took the time to explore some of the non-fiction books that link to our current science unit – Living Things and Their Habitats.

In our reading skills sessions, we learnt how non-fiction books are structured in different ways. We learnt how to use the contents and index pages to navigate non-fiction books efficiently.

The children enjoyed using their new skills to learn more about the natural world. I was stunned by some of the facts the children shared with me. The oldest tree in the world is nearly 5,000 years old!

Help at home by exploring non-fiction books with your child. Can you use the contents and index pages to navigate to the information you’re looking for?

Design and Technology: Fresh Fruit Salad

Posted on Wednesday 28 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Yesterday, we all made a delicious, healthy fruit salad.

There were lots of skills on show during the preparation such as;

  • peeling by hand
  • draining through a colander
  • segmenting
  • claw grip (using a fork to secure the fruit)
  • bridge hold
  • measuring liquids
  • mixing

Why not make this again at home and encourage your child to use the correct cookery skills.


(serves 6)

1 banana

1 apple

1 orange/satsuma


seedless grapes

1 kiwi fruit

2 x 15ml spoons orange juice

Weekly Poem

Posted on Saturday 24 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Each week, the children listen to and enjoy a poem. We rehearse the verses daily and read it together. The class participate in short discussions about the text and any particular favourite words or phrases.

By recognising the patterns of rhythm and sound, used in poetry, helps to read using prosody. (reading aloud with fluency and expression)

In class, an adult will model good prosodic reading by reading aloud and adding emphasis to particular words and phrases which can really bring a text to life.

Once children have listened to the the adult example, they then practice reading aloud to one another, responding to the modeled cues. It has been fantastic to hear to the children repeating parts of the poem using  prosody effectively.

Here is the poem for the upcoming week .

Help at home by listening to the poem. Model reading it using some prosody and your child can echo read with you.


Written by Eleanor Farjeon

Narrated by Mrs Freeman


Cats sleep, anywhere,
Any table, any chair
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody’s lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard, with your frocks-
Anywhere! They don’t care!
Cats sleep anywhere.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? 6 Vet-Approved Reasons - Catster

On Monday he found a …

Posted on Saturday 24 February 2024 by Miss Ward


This week we have started to notice the changes in the weather and that Spring is on the way!

Our focus story this week was  Jasper’s Beanstalk, the children have really enjoyed this story, anticipating what might happen next, retelling what happens and exploring how Jasper is feeling.

Jasper found a bean on Monday and he planted it on Tuesday – Ella D

He waited a long time for it to grow, it made him feel sad because it wasn’t growing quick – Ella M

Snails have a shell and slugs don’t have a shell- Charlie

It’s really long- Elliott

There might be giants – Louie

He needs to climb to the top- Evie

As we approach our ‘growing’ season, we decided to plant our own beans to see how long it will take them to grow. Over the next few weeks we will observe, discuss and draw how our plants have changed. Exciting!


In maths, we’ve been learning about the number 3.  We looked at 3 spots on a dice, 3 counters on a five frame and spotted that there were 3 corners and sides on a triangle.

Help at home: Have a look to see if you can find groups of three things around your home.  Can you spot the number three on any house doors or number plates? We also liked watching this song all about the number 3.

Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.

Next week, we’re learning about growing up and looking at how we change as we get older.

It would be great if we could look at some photographs of children when they were babies and toddlers. If you are able to, please send us an email with one photograph of your child as a baby and one photograph of them as a toddler. We’ll use these in group time and will also be adding them to our Home Corner family display. 

This week sound/s was: ‘U’ for Umbrella

Rhyme of the week: Baa Baa black sheep



Born of the Forest has officially finished for Nursery- so a big thank you to Shaun!  The children have enjoyed it so much we have decided to continue our own forest school sessions, these will now be on a Tuesday starting 27 February. Your child can come in their PE kit or some comfy clothes.

  • joggers/jumper
  • spare socks
  • wellies
  • waterproofs/puddle suit

You are more than welcome to leave these at school for the rest of term!

Have a super weekend!

Miss Ward and Miss Harvey

The Train Ride

Posted on Saturday 24 February 2024 by Emma Kendrew

Welcome to Spring 2!

This week we have started our new topic Let’s Go, our first book is called The Train Ride by June Crebbin. 

We have really enjoyed this story, we have talked about old trains like Stephenson’s Rocket, The Mallard and of course The Flying Scotsman! Plus new trains like the Eurotunnel and The Bullet!

“It is an old train because it has steam coming out of the funnel!”

“It is old because I can see some rust on it!”

We are also very excited about out upcoming trip to the National Railway Museum, we have had lots of discussions about how many sleeps it will be and what we will be taking in out lunch boxes! It is all very exciting!

Our Word of the Week was: Destination, the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning.

“My destination in the morning is school, at night time it is home, or sometimes the park!”

“When we go on our school trip our destination will be the Train Museum.”

Help at home: Talk to your grown up about the different destinations you go to over the weekend.


This week in our phonics we have reviewed the digraphs ai, ee, oa, oo/oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi,  and the trigraphs igh, ear.

Help at home: Please support your child with the ‘learn at home’ sheet sent home today. Please also keep accessing the ebooks.

Poetry Picnic

This week our poem was Pancakes

Mix a pancake,

Stir a pancake,

Pop it in the pan.

Fry a pancake,

Toss a pancake,

Catch it if you can.


In Maths this week we have looked at comparing and in particular looking at differences and similarities. In our activities we have looked at the numbers of objects in a set, without being diverted by colour, shape or size. The children have then been encouraged to notice when quantities are equal or unequal, and to consider how they can manipulate the number of objects in 2 sets to make them equal. Our stem sentences have been 

____ has more than____.

____has fewer than____.

Help at home: Can you share an even number of objects (e.g. counters, pens etc) between two teddies. Do the objects need to be the same colour, shape or size?

The Classroom Challenges this week have been

  • to make a train
  • to make a bridge for a train to either go over or under
  • to make a large train track outside
  • to write a list of the things they go past in the story The Train Ride
  • to make the scales balance
  • to draw something you can see out of the window

Also this week, we had a visit from MindMate on Monday, who read us the story Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival. 

We already love this book in reception and have used it a lot when we have talked about our own worries and anxieties. Tom Percival also writes other books that deal with different emotions, they are a great starting point to support young children.

Next week our focus book is The Hundred Decker Rocket by Mike Smith.

Reminders and Notices

PE is on a Monday, please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers they can fasten themselves.

Library Day is on a Friday this term, please can all Library books be returned on Friday ready to swap for a new one.

Forest School is on Friday, please see additional letter sent home for information.

Waste Innovation- Please don’t forget to send in any donations for us to be creative.  We really appreciate anything!!

Please can we also ask for any donations of children’s underwear, socks and old school uniform, we work hard and play hard in reception so things can get a little bit messy!!

Stay and Learn Sessions

World Book Day 07.03.24-8.50am-9.20am

Please don’t forget to email any pictures from home thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Mrs. Feldman


Updated timetable

Posted on Tuesday 13 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Please note the change to our PE days. These will now be on a Wednesday and a Friday morning. Our timetable for the next half term is below.

Year of the Dragon!

Posted on Saturday 10 February 2024 by Miss Ward

This week Nursery have been celebrating the upcoming festival- Lunar New Year!

This year is the year of the Dragon, the children wanted to make a really big Dragon for the classroom, so we got busy practicing our gross motor movements and fine motor skills. The combination of both help to support control and balance, preparing them for early writing.

We asked the children- ‘What is Lunar New year?’

They clean their houses to get rid of the dust- Savannah

Red means lucky – Ella M

It’s a big Dragon- Louie

They have lot’s of fireworks – Mia

We also tasted some traditional Oriental food. We had sweet and sour rice, vegetable spring rolls, and vegetable Bao Buns.

It’s really yummy, I didn’t think I would like it – Charlie

I like the buns, they were fluffy – Ella D

Forest School

We had an exciting time in forest school this week. We made a fire!

The children learnt the importance of not being left alone around a fire as it is hot and dangerous!

Help at home: What 3 things can you remember that you needed to make a fire? .. think about what Shaun needed to put into the fire-pit!

Of course when you have a fire, you have to toast some marshmallows!


This week sound/s was: ‘C’ for Cat ‘K’ for Kite. We know that both letters make the same sound.

Rhyme of the week: Jack and Jill went up the hill

We’ve had a fabulous first half-term, we welcomed some new faces and we’ve all made some new friends. We hope you have a lovely half-term break and we will see you on Monday 19 February.

Miss Ward and Miss Harvey